Sunday, October 31, 2010

Start Of Scott Paper Products

Theses and read times

Today there is a tendency to consider the final testing of the first degree as "just significant. "Well, they are not the old four-year degree thesis, which often meant a minimum of Letters two hundred pages of text and about a year of work in humanities computing in Pisa is expected that the 'developed degree" is long thirty-five thirty pages, and writing work and not take away more than two months.

In my experience, however, even the computers of college degree can come out many interesting things. Thirty pages are the equivalent of an article of considerable size , or chapter of a book, then if the arguments are many, the arguments can be integrated and made more complex work.

In practice, many of the arguments I have given in recent years, in addition their educational value, have also proved interesting in terms of content. A good part of the new data included in my next book on the web comes from this work (in addition to those produced by students of the courses, and my individual research). But now came the turn of the inquiries regarding the timing of reading, and early results are very interesting.

What are the terms of the question? In fact, the starting point is my experience of the reader. For a couple of years I began to read long texts on the iPhone. Decades of usability studies say that the on-screen reading is slower than on paper, on the iPhone, however, the difference seemed so small that mi è sembrato opportuno fare delle verifiche. Le più importanti misurazioni dei tempi di lettura risalgono infatti agli anni Ottanta, quando la tecnologia degli schermi era quella che era, e i fosfori verdi erano un vertice di usabilità. I progressi recenti, in fatto di schermi, sono notevolissimi... ma ben pochi ricercatori, apparentemente, hanno sentito il bisogno di controllare se le nuove tecnologie hanno qualche effetto sui tempi di lettura. Né finora erano state fatte prove con testi in italiano.

Adesso stanno arrivando i primi risultati delle ricerche che seguo, e le impressioni sembrano confermate: sullo schermo di un moderno notebook, o di un iPad, i lettori procedono quasi con la stessa velocità con cui procedono sulla print. Compared with the marked slowdown of 20-25% so far, we are at 3%. It is too early to consider the final results of the genre - but the argument progresses, and it may soon become necessary to change at different points in the manuals of writing!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Maxine Jokes Healthcare

Noir de noir

I just got Noir de noir. Multidisciplinary investigation , published by Peter Lang (Brussels, etc.., 2010) edited by Dieter Vermandere, Monica Jansen Inge Lanslots. The volume contains the papers presented at the conference in Antwerp in 2006, and inside there are my two articles:

  • Versilia Giampaolo Simi. Reconstruction del parlato, lessico locale e rielaborazioni editoriali , pp. 217-224
  • con Fabio Gadducci, L'emersione del noir . Spunti dalla produzione di una casa editrice bolognese , pp. 239-245.
ISBN: 978-90-5201-630-6

Peccato però che il testo non sia disponibile in formato elettronico: ormai mi sono abituato a linkare e distribuire i contenuti in questo modo. Anzi, direi che per gli articoli scientifici ho passato da un po' il confine tra il momento in cui la sorpresa è data dalla presenza del testo elettronico e quello in cui la sorpresa è data invece dalla sua assenza.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bearded Dragon Stomatitis

Force seven?

Da ieri a oggi ho fatto un po' di order clipboard and I took out some notes he had accumulated.

First of all, to begin with the right spirit, a report published on Wired in late September. The service is called 7 Essential Skills You Did not Learn in College and, with the typical rhetoric of Wired , would like to present an academic curriculum

that fills the gaps in your education by the twentieth century the tools you need now. Let's call them "neo-liberal arts" education for highly evolved human.

From my point of view, a curriculum is very flattering. Seven of these "neo-liberal arts" to be superior, but two are already covered by my courses: Writing for New Forms (ie, "self-expression in 140 characters") was part of the Writing Workshop recent years, while the Remix Culture ( "Sampling, remixing and mixing") was the focus of the course on the language of the Web I held in the spring of 2010.

What's the catch then? Simply, that arguments of this kind are in fact central to an education. Writing for the "new generation" makes sense when placed within a more general discussion of writing. Otherwise, learn the tricks writing about Twitter not take more than a couple of hours (and not very far). Similarly, the remix is \u200b\u200ban interesting topic, but within certain limits. They live, study and work very well with what little practice of "remix" that can be absorbed from the environment without the need for a dedicated training.

Of course, few take seriously the rhetoric of Wired . However, if you wanted to do it, it would be interesting to note that the other five "arms" proposals are not so relevant. Or rather, only the first, "Literacy statistics", it certainly is - and as such should be included in all programs of school, unlike areas of mathematics (for example, I know, trigonometry) that have a good educational value but for which very few people need in everyday life. The statistic is: eye, after four operations and the ability to work with fractional numbers, is the branch of mathematics most immediately applicable to, well, everyone, including writers.

And other subjects? I do not have the skills to talk about it in detail, but I'd say are probably more that matters, life choices, or, at the opposite end of the scale, small areas on which to specialize. Maybe when you have already completed a good course that would enable it to contextualize her going even peripheral issues.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dc Bathrooms For Cruising

Delivered! Upcoming conferences

Tonight I finally sent my book on publisher's website. Of course, it is not a finished work one hundred percent because it lacks the introduction, and the bibliography is arranged ... but anyway, it's gone! If all goes well, the book will be out for spring.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Are Xanax Sticks Dangerous

Aggiornamento per Cesena Comics

update the post "to Riccardo Crosa ; Cesena Comics 2010 "

Sunday, November 14
In collaboration with the Municipality of Cesena - On the occasion of "On Sundays, especially ... meetings, activities and events in the center of Cesena"

Romagna Authors: Davide Fabbri Riccardo Crosa
Denis Medri meets the cartoonists and Davide Fabbri Riccardo Crosa
Black on White, Corte Dandini 18