Mechanics of hours lost
Che cosa si fa quando gli studenti occupano e bloccano le lezioni? Domanda interessante, soprattutto quando i loro obiettivi (= fermare il percorso parlamentare del DDL sull'università) sono perfettamente ragionevoli e, per quel che mi riguarda, condivisi.
Dunque, protestare va benissimo. Salire sui tetti va bene... l'ho fatto anch'io (foto n. 8, in posa un po' improbabile). I cortei vanno bene. Le dichiarazioni di indisponibilità dei ricercatori non solo vanno bene, ma in molti casi cancellano una situazione di illegalità (visto che molti di noi, me compreso, dedicano a lezioni, esami e tesi più tempo di quanto permesso dalla law, and then do something that you should not do ...).
Conversely, blocking traffic, trains and planes will not do, and that's it. All right, do it all in Italy: from protesters to the milk quota fines up to the fans. But that does not make it any less odious bullying of this kind - even if done in the name of worthy goals.
and block the lessons? Even this is not good, but for a short time is tolerable, and perhaps not too many effects. Of course, the pretense of tiny minorities (as a rule, actively participates in protests over 5% of students) to speak on behalf of all is ridiculous. The practice of preventing blocking classroom lessons is simply an act of arrogance.
said ... A parcel not arrive or arrive. A train is on time or is delayed. But a university course that works is not necessarily a course where all the hours were held: the course work if students learn, period. The lessons from this point of view, are just one tool in the service of a result.
And then, the hours lost are a problem? The surprise (but not so much for the experts) is that it is very difficult to say. For the University of Pisa, now, a credit is equal to 7 hours. Two years ago corresponded to 6 hours: 12 credits from the courses are then passed 72 to 84 hours. This means that the knowledge of students increased 15%? Hard to understand, but probably not. Certainly, the programs of many courses seem to have been unchanged, and the total number of hours required for commitment to students has not changed.
In essence, teaching gives structure to the study, but it seems there is a direct proportion between time spent in the classroom and learning. As noted also Luca Serianni , perhaps in Italian schools the lessons are / were too many. Even the University of Pisa, the debate on the number of hours needed to reach a loan move between 5 (advocated by many teachers of Literature and Philosophy) and 8 (required, it seems, by many teachers of scientific disciplines). All this, of course, with the same expected results, and in the absence of hard data demonstrating the greater effectiveness of a solution either.
So, assuming that the fluctuation band of 5-8 corresponds to reality, in a semester with 10 or 11 weeks or even three or four weeks of block teaching may not have practical effects on the teaching of many subjects. This does not mean that the occupation (not unanimous) is an acceptable form of protest: one can not impose on others their will, except in the manner provided by law. It means, however, that this rude, unlike many others, perhaps not produce major consequences - and, paradoxically, potrebbe addirittura portare a un apprendimento più efficace (!)... se, per esempio, i sostenitori delle 5 ore avessero ragione.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Cervix More Sensitive Before Period
The statue of Mao The smell of blood
Il giornalista fascista Ugo Dadone, che nel dopoguerra ospitò a Roma l’esule Ezra Pound, teneva sulla tazza del cesso un ritratto di Badoglio e mostrava con rabbia la sistemazione del «traditore». Era una specie di vendetta che si concedeva in quell’appartamento di pochi metri, a pianterreno, dove si cucinava minestroni ineleganti he shared with the silent and sometimes poet with a friend on the floor above, another veteran of the defeat. In the small refuge of the vanquished to the Colle Oppio there were no holy ideological regimes swept away trinkets, ornaments symbolic only of the poor furnishings and scarring in the toilet.
The other night, ran on the television video image of a house kitsch: recasts belonged to the Communist who was also president of the Chamber, immaculate sofas lined up and red cushions, under the rules of the glossy magazines, trinkets sported by newly rich, was the 'exact counterpart of the clothes we wear when we saw him was for all media. Affairs of taste, his business. But the camera, focusing devoutly emphatic about the objects scattered, full-length crossed numerous statues and busts of Mao Tse Tung. Impressive as the public reacts sensitivity unfair: if in the most remote villages are rinvenisse at the house of a local councilor clockwise ducetto a souvenir of a trip to Predappio, Italy urlerebbe all'abominio, rites constitutional repair immediately would play everywhere, with great emotion for the insult to the victims of that regime, but if a man who was charged by his father of his country shows in her home in the left statue, even if you do. Yet despite the glamorous advertising pop sprayed from the bloodthirsty despot, none of the wise brings more in dubbio che il Grande Timoniere fece fuori molti milioni di cinesi, cifre ben più rilevanti di quelle degli stermini europei. Sappiamo, nelle epoche del tutto-uguale e del sempre-uguale, appena si parla di numeri ti obiettano l’espressione «calcoli macabri», e poi la Cina è così affollata che anche i massacri sono in scala. Ai tempi delle varie carneficine, i tardo-illuministi si affannavano a spiegare che forse, sì, Mao ne ammazzò come nessun altro nella storia moderna ma, grazie a lui, le masse furono alfabetizzate: il valore della scrittura, per i mandarini d’ogni latitudine, è sacrosanto. Qualcun altro ricordava che i campi di lavoro, i Lager utilizzati negli anni Cinquanta dai comunisti appena arrivati power, derived from the imperial tradition, and so be it. Even in Germany, the custom of the massacres of Jews can be traced back to the plague of 1348 (from Rome when the pope sent his messengers to explain that the outbreak had nothing to do with synagogues and good Germans continued undeterred with their fixed ideas), but would not be considered a valid reason, at least we hope, because our dignitaries, even with the utmost indulgence to the wickedness consumed in private, filling their living rooms and dining room with pictures of the registry and brown shirt mustache. Nor will want to make odious distinctions between victims, counting in different ways Jews and the peasants, or the Europeans and Asians. Behind Communism c’era almeno un sogno di fratellanza – insistono gli apologeti – mentre gli sterminatori tedeschi erano soltanto ‘cattivi’. Chissà come si consoleranno le vittime del comunismo, torturate e uccise per un fine sì nobile cui erano chiamati a far da concime. Magari anche per dar lustro ai vezzi mondani di un vecchio capopolo.
I vinti di oggi fan finta di niente. Rifondano ostinati, affondano sornioni il rosso giocattolo, rinunciano alla violenza, rispolverano le idee più assolutiste, nascondono il georgiano baffuto, ostentano quello cinese, velato di esotismo. Naturalmente, dando continuamente lezioni di etica ai poveri peccatori veniali e ogni tanto perfino al papa. Sempre compiaciuti.
Il giornalista fascista Ugo Dadone, che nel dopoguerra ospitò a Roma l’esule Ezra Pound, teneva sulla tazza del cesso un ritratto di Badoglio e mostrava con rabbia la sistemazione del «traditore». Era una specie di vendetta che si concedeva in quell’appartamento di pochi metri, a pianterreno, dove si cucinava minestroni ineleganti he shared with the silent and sometimes poet with a friend on the floor above, another veteran of the defeat. In the small refuge of the vanquished to the Colle Oppio there were no holy ideological regimes swept away trinkets, ornaments symbolic only of the poor furnishings and scarring in the toilet.
The other night, ran on the television video image of a house kitsch: recasts belonged to the Communist who was also president of the Chamber, immaculate sofas lined up and red cushions, under the rules of the glossy magazines, trinkets sported by newly rich, was the 'exact counterpart of the clothes we wear when we saw him was for all media. Affairs of taste, his business. But the camera, focusing devoutly emphatic about the objects scattered, full-length crossed numerous statues and busts of Mao Tse Tung. Impressive as the public reacts sensitivity unfair: if in the most remote villages are rinvenisse at the house of a local councilor clockwise ducetto a souvenir of a trip to Predappio, Italy urlerebbe all'abominio, rites constitutional repair immediately would play everywhere, with great emotion for the insult to the victims of that regime, but if a man who was charged by his father of his country shows in her home in the left statue, even if you do. Yet despite the glamorous advertising pop sprayed from the bloodthirsty despot, none of the wise brings more in dubbio che il Grande Timoniere fece fuori molti milioni di cinesi, cifre ben più rilevanti di quelle degli stermini europei. Sappiamo, nelle epoche del tutto-uguale e del sempre-uguale, appena si parla di numeri ti obiettano l’espressione «calcoli macabri», e poi la Cina è così affollata che anche i massacri sono in scala. Ai tempi delle varie carneficine, i tardo-illuministi si affannavano a spiegare che forse, sì, Mao ne ammazzò come nessun altro nella storia moderna ma, grazie a lui, le masse furono alfabetizzate: il valore della scrittura, per i mandarini d’ogni latitudine, è sacrosanto. Qualcun altro ricordava che i campi di lavoro, i Lager utilizzati negli anni Cinquanta dai comunisti appena arrivati power, derived from the imperial tradition, and so be it. Even in Germany, the custom of the massacres of Jews can be traced back to the plague of 1348 (from Rome when the pope sent his messengers to explain that the outbreak had nothing to do with synagogues and good Germans continued undeterred with their fixed ideas), but would not be considered a valid reason, at least we hope, because our dignitaries, even with the utmost indulgence to the wickedness consumed in private, filling their living rooms and dining room with pictures of the registry and brown shirt mustache. Nor will want to make odious distinctions between victims, counting in different ways Jews and the peasants, or the Europeans and Asians. Behind Communism c’era almeno un sogno di fratellanza – insistono gli apologeti – mentre gli sterminatori tedeschi erano soltanto ‘cattivi’. Chissà come si consoleranno le vittime del comunismo, torturate e uccise per un fine sì nobile cui erano chiamati a far da concime. Magari anche per dar lustro ai vezzi mondani di un vecchio capopolo.
I vinti di oggi fan finta di niente. Rifondano ostinati, affondano sornioni il rosso giocattolo, rinunciano alla violenza, rispolverano le idee più assolutiste, nascondono il georgiano baffuto, ostentano quello cinese, velato di esotismo. Naturalmente, dando continuamente lezioni di etica ai poveri peccatori veniali e ogni tanto perfino al papa. Sempre compiaciuti.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Which Is Better Alumawood Or Vinyl
Lightning review the Rome show on one of the pre-Columbian civilizations: "Teotihuacan. The City of the Gods "(and demons, should be added), which rears up already on the steps of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni Umberto monstrous masks that terrify humans. It is a quote from Ernst Jünger, we've already reported on the 'Almanac', but is perfect for the occasion and we repeat it: "If the freedom of conscience, if peace should spread, can not miss the inner brake. The same goes for art. [...] There is a Justice of the shapes and lines that we perceive as beauty. [...] The taste offends us rather barbaric. The world is full of works that are subject to suggestion exercised by the gods, demons and forces of nature, without which man can respond to freedom. The gloom, the heavy earth, the absence of eyes, the stark vividness, the confusion, the colossal size, strength, lush, the face mask to oppress us: in fact we feel that everything is connected to blood sacrifices. " "If there was a metropolis in which they were officially adopted models and colors of ancient Dahomey, or buildings in the old Mexican style, soon there would be officially established the human sacrifices. However, there would be seen the horror and splendor of those ancient empires, but a new barbarism, rediscovered '
Lightning review the Rome show on one of the pre-Columbian civilizations: "Teotihuacan. The City of the Gods "(and demons, should be added), which rears up already on the steps of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni Umberto monstrous masks that terrify humans. It is a quote from Ernst Jünger, we've already reported on the 'Almanac', but is perfect for the occasion and we repeat it: "If the freedom of conscience, if peace should spread, can not miss the inner brake. The same goes for art. [...] There is a Justice of the shapes and lines that we perceive as beauty. [...] The taste offends us rather barbaric. The world is full of works that are subject to suggestion exercised by the gods, demons and forces of nature, without which man can respond to freedom. The gloom, the heavy earth, the absence of eyes, the stark vividness, the confusion, the colossal size, strength, lush, the face mask to oppress us: in fact we feel that everything is connected to blood sacrifices. " "If there was a metropolis in which they were officially adopted models and colors of ancient Dahomey, or buildings in the old Mexican style, soon there would be officially established the human sacrifices. However, there would be seen the horror and splendor of those ancient empires, but a new barbarism, rediscovered '
http / / / feed
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Seborrheic Dermatitis And Hair Loss
Prison love
Maybe after having welcomed the nihilism of matrix situationist burying an object drawn in a forest in order to lose it forever, for the greater glory of the inscrutable "useless beauty", the columnist will be asked to do with utilitarianism extremist pro cloistered nuns are closed in a monastery. Already, despite the ecclesiastical innovations, modernized the liturgy, social Christianity, some nuns remain behind bars to shock the positivists ever. This Sunday the Church celebrates the day grateful "Pro Orantibus" and answers the question of controversy: those places are the lungs of Catholicism, because there comes a special prayer to the sky, through their filter and do not breathe the earth is damned. This ancient theory of the ecological balance, the elite of the praying which compensates for the bulk of energy dissipation. We will close for a whole life in the cloister, with much greater radicalism of any aesthetic performance, making pale small ephemeral afflictions of body art and the great passions of romantic torment, it is not a game nor of self, love is the supreme folly, addressed to God That dedication is not opposed to life, the transfiguration, the lights. What do know, however, the followers of all contemplative practices of delights? The mystery of the cloistered hermitage and in general, remains a taboo for modern, locked in cages as they are selfish to their neuroses.
Maybe after having welcomed the nihilism of matrix situationist burying an object drawn in a forest in order to lose it forever, for the greater glory of the inscrutable "useless beauty", the columnist will be asked to do with utilitarianism extremist pro cloistered nuns are closed in a monastery. Already, despite the ecclesiastical innovations, modernized the liturgy, social Christianity, some nuns remain behind bars to shock the positivists ever. This Sunday the Church celebrates the day grateful "Pro Orantibus" and answers the question of controversy: those places are the lungs of Catholicism, because there comes a special prayer to the sky, through their filter and do not breathe the earth is damned. This ancient theory of the ecological balance, the elite of the praying which compensates for the bulk of energy dissipation. We will close for a whole life in the cloister, with much greater radicalism of any aesthetic performance, making pale small ephemeral afflictions of body art and the great passions of romantic torment, it is not a game nor of self, love is the supreme folly, addressed to God That dedication is not opposed to life, the transfiguration, the lights. What do know, however, the followers of all contemplative practices of delights? The mystery of the cloistered hermitage and in general, remains a taboo for modern, locked in cages as they are selfish to their neuroses.
http / / / feed
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Florastor Vs Threelac
Intervista ad Antonio Dessì
The blog " games on our table " recently interviewed Antonio Dessì , illustrator, concept artist, graphic designer, author, art director. During the chat Dessì brought as an example Rigor and games related to its character.
"Depending on the style you want to adopt you contact illustrators and graphic designers who are able to meet the needs of production. Are taken into account many sources of inspiration and sometimes it relies on existing brand (as in the case of Rigor Mortis for ' Yes, Dark Lord! ' and ' Kragmortha '). "
Click here to read the entire interview with Antonio Dessì
The blog " games on our table " recently interviewed Antonio Dessì , illustrator, concept artist, graphic designer, author, art director. During the chat Dessì brought as an example Rigor and games related to its character.
"Depending on the style you want to adopt you contact illustrators and graphic designers who are able to meet the needs of production. Are taken into account many sources of inspiration and sometimes it relies on existing brand (as in the case of Rigor Mortis for ' Yes, Dark Lord! ' and ' Kragmortha '). "
Click here to read the entire interview with Antonio Dessì
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Super Protector License Plate Legal
Black & Decker
Una delle differenze fondamentali tra testi elettronici e testi su carta, comunque, è: la carta occupa spazio. E così, dopo anni di rinvii, finalmente ho comprato assi e viti e ho messo assieme una libreria per il garage. Il tutto, in sostanza, per contenere un bel po' di numeri di Topolino e Urania che altrimenti sarebbero rimasti nelle casse dell'ultimo trasloco. Non è una cosa sana... anche perché il valore di mercato del contenente, probabilmente, non è molto superiore al costo del timber needed to contain it.
But, so much so ... A row of titles lined up is always satisfying.
Next step - and I work for a future evening: rearrange the collection of PDF on your computer. Will be quicker, but, I fear, much less fun.
Una delle differenze fondamentali tra testi elettronici e testi su carta, comunque, è: la carta occupa spazio. E così, dopo anni di rinvii, finalmente ho comprato assi e viti e ho messo assieme una libreria per il garage. Il tutto, in sostanza, per contenere un bel po' di numeri di Topolino e Urania che altrimenti sarebbero rimasti nelle casse dell'ultimo trasloco. Non è una cosa sana... anche perché il valore di mercato del contenente, probabilmente, non è molto superiore al costo del timber needed to contain it.
But, so much so ... A row of titles lined up is always satisfying.
Next step - and I work for a future evening: rearrange the collection of PDF on your computer. Will be quicker, but, I fear, much less fun.
Friday, November 12, 2010
How To Get Gun Powdin Poptropica
Cesena Comics: articolo de Il Resto del Carlino
'On Sundays especially' between comics and cartoon characters
On 14 November in the center of Cesena are planning a series of initiatives designed to get in touch with the most imaginative representations
Cesena, November 12, 2010 - On November 14, 2010 in the center of Cesena will be held the sixth round of the series "... especially on Sundays," which will coincide with the last day of Cesena Comics, a festival dedicated to the comic and the drawing animation. The program includes a series of initiatives designed to get in touch with the most imaginative representations that combine words and form.
The opening is scheduled at 16, when in different parts of the city will begin performances and recreational activities for children between 8 and 10 years, in the Pinacoteca Comunale in via Aldini 26, the Avenue Library 17 Cherry will lead a workshop manual on a blend of comics and architecture, entitled "The Grand Tour of Italy in Peanuts," while the streets of the historic center, will start touring the animated show "I'll give you the Middle Ages," by performances in the round and his duo of minstrels vagrant clerics. Also at 16 there will be two cultural events, one at Mascherpa Coffee (in Corso Garibaldi 26), where the author and screenwriter Michael Petrucci Matteo Casali will present the opera "The robber and his Big Band miserable," an outstanding example history of comics, and the other at the Cafe feet (in Corso Garibaldi 52) together Ichiguchi to Keiko, who will present his book "From Japan to Europe. The long adventure of an author of manga. " There will be a speech by Andrea Baricordi Kappa Edizioni.
The library arrive in Piazza Giovanni Paolo II, at 16, will lead guests on a trip around Eastern Europe with "Li and the Moon" animated reading to discover China played by Cristina Sedioli. Afterwards there will be a creative workshop to learn how to build animated Chinese dragon. The event organized by the library in Viale Carducci 27 Mondadori, instead, be aimed at young people aged between 11 and 14 years and will be "The Strange Case of the Yellow Kid and digital natives ", a short course in science edited by the co-operative brace.
The comic will return to the center of the special Sunday - at 17.30 - Black on White in the Court Dandini 18, with "authors" of Romagna, a comparison of local cartoonist Denis Medrano and famous artists design, such as Davide Fabbri and Riccardo Crosa .
A special dinner copyright ", with a fixed menu at 20 € and preceded by an aperitif, will be prepared by the tavern-cafe Fermo Posta, in Pope John XXIII 15 (For reservations please call 0547-610230). Here, at 19, James Nanni will talk about his comic book "The True Story of Lara Canepa."
At 20.30, the square of Maison Lulu Blacksmith, will take place "Drink & Draw: drink and draw, meeting the authors of Cesena Comics characters that the audience will cheer for the opportunity drawing" live ". The event will also Farnedi Henry with his ukulele.
Among the proposals aimed at smaller , remember then the screening of the animated "Home on the Range" scheduled at 14.30 in the Red Room Film San Biagio, and the usual appointment with the toy library run by the Cooperative La Tana The balloon, which from 15.30 to 18.30 hours, in the former Office for Relations with the public under the loggia of the Palazzo Comunale, propose ... Especially for kids, a set of games and activities to spend the day in joy.
Cesena Comics The program, which kicked off on 8 November 2010, was organized by the cultural and Bluebeard Endas Cesena, in collaboration with the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena and the City Cesena. It will close Nov. 14 meeting "... Especially on Sundays", an initiative of the Municipality of Cesena.
All appointments of the day are free of admission, except dinner copyright.
For information contact the IAT number 0547-356327 or e-mail address
'On Sundays especially' between comics and cartoon characters
On 14 November in the center of Cesena are planning a series of initiatives designed to get in touch with the most imaginative representations
Cesena, November 12, 2010 - On November 14, 2010 in the center of Cesena will be held the sixth round of the series "... especially on Sundays," which will coincide with the last day of Cesena Comics, a festival dedicated to the comic and the drawing animation. The program includes a series of initiatives designed to get in touch with the most imaginative representations that combine words and form.
The opening is scheduled at 16, when in different parts of the city will begin performances and recreational activities for children between 8 and 10 years, in the Pinacoteca Comunale in via Aldini 26, the Avenue Library 17 Cherry will lead a workshop manual on a blend of comics and architecture, entitled "The Grand Tour of Italy in Peanuts," while the streets of the historic center, will start touring the animated show "I'll give you the Middle Ages," by performances in the round and his duo of minstrels vagrant clerics. Also at 16 there will be two cultural events, one at Mascherpa Coffee (in Corso Garibaldi 26), where the author and screenwriter Michael Petrucci Matteo Casali will present the opera "The robber and his Big Band miserable," an outstanding example history of comics, and the other at the Cafe feet (in Corso Garibaldi 52) together Ichiguchi to Keiko, who will present his book "From Japan to Europe. The long adventure of an author of manga. " There will be a speech by Andrea Baricordi Kappa Edizioni.
The library arrive in Piazza Giovanni Paolo II, at 16, will lead guests on a trip around Eastern Europe with "Li and the Moon" animated reading to discover China played by Cristina Sedioli. Afterwards there will be a creative workshop to learn how to build animated Chinese dragon. The event organized by the library in Viale Carducci 27 Mondadori, instead, be aimed at young people aged between 11 and 14 years and will be "The Strange Case of the Yellow Kid and digital natives ", a short course in science edited by the co-operative brace.
The comic will return to the center of the special Sunday - at 17.30 - Black on White in the Court Dandini 18, with "authors" of Romagna, a comparison of local cartoonist Denis Medrano and famous artists design, such as Davide Fabbri and Riccardo Crosa .
A special dinner copyright ", with a fixed menu at 20 € and preceded by an aperitif, will be prepared by the tavern-cafe Fermo Posta, in Pope John XXIII 15 (For reservations please call 0547-610230). Here, at 19, James Nanni will talk about his comic book "The True Story of Lara Canepa."
At 20.30, the square of Maison Lulu Blacksmith, will take place "Drink & Draw: drink and draw, meeting the authors of Cesena Comics characters that the audience will cheer for the opportunity drawing" live ". The event will also Farnedi Henry with his ukulele.
Among the proposals aimed at smaller , remember then the screening of the animated "Home on the Range" scheduled at 14.30 in the Red Room Film San Biagio, and the usual appointment with the toy library run by the Cooperative La Tana The balloon, which from 15.30 to 18.30 hours, in the former Office for Relations with the public under the loggia of the Palazzo Comunale, propose ... Especially for kids, a set of games and activities to spend the day in joy.
Cesena Comics The program, which kicked off on 8 November 2010, was organized by the cultural and Bluebeard Endas Cesena, in collaboration with the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena and the City Cesena. It will close Nov. 14 meeting "... Especially on Sundays", an initiative of the Municipality of Cesena.
All appointments of the day are free of admission, except dinner copyright.
For information contact the IAT number 0547-356327 or e-mail address
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Muscle Aches More Condition_symptoms
Serianni, The hour of Italian
between appointments and the other, today I read The Italian now: school and humanities Luca Serianni (USC ito in July by Yale University Press, reprinted in October, bought on the fly Feltrinelli this morning in the price of nine euro).
are usually a bit 'suspicious booklets, pamphlets of this kind. Just over one hundred pages, small format, large type: the content is normally something that would be in twenty or thirty pages of the magazine, and is often recycled in some way. The name is a guarantee Serianni however, and although here we see a haste of production, the circumstances under which the work was made are such as to give special emphasis to the text. Serianni fact he was a consultant for the latest curriculum reform in high school, and his views were then given the opportunity to weigh in an unusual way.
Inside the book there is, in a couple of points (p. 40 and pp. 50-51), the praise of the summary as an educational tool. Fully in line with this, then I try to summarize some speeches more interesting - with a warning that, this being a summary-for-linguists, I leave out the more general (and, as a rule, unanimously shared by the experts) to focus only on those who, to some extent, I am a bit 'more specific, and often more subjective:
between appointments and the other, today I read The Italian now: school and humanities Luca Serianni (USC ito in July by Yale University Press, reprinted in October, bought on the fly Feltrinelli this morning in the price of nine euro).
are usually a bit 'suspicious booklets, pamphlets of this kind. Just over one hundred pages, small format, large type: the content is normally something that would be in twenty or thirty pages of the magazine, and is often recycled in some way. The name is a guarantee Serianni however, and although here we see a haste of production, the circumstances under which the work was made are such as to give special emphasis to the text. Serianni fact he was a consultant for the latest curriculum reform in high school, and his views were then given the opportunity to weigh in an unusual way.
Inside the book there is, in a couple of points (p. 40 and pp. 50-51), the praise of the summary as an educational tool. Fully in line with this, then I try to summarize some speeches more interesting - with a warning that, this being a summary-for-linguists, I leave out the more general (and, as a rule, unanimously shared by the experts) to focus only on those who, to some extent, I am a bit 'more specific, and often more subjective:
- language proficiency, as opposed to literary, lends itself to being measured with questions "closed", so it is easy to verify (p. ix)
- in a context of poor performance of Italian students, "hits the poor mastery of vocabulary and abstract (...) regression of less common vocabulary" (p. x)
- for the teacher, is important "especially" a psychological condition, "which is believed to work and gamble on himself" (p. xii)
- first chapter on considerations of common sense differences between humanistic and scientific culture
- second chapter: the need of presence of Science and Letters in the school "
- Gelmini reform" is definitely toward a balance between humanities and science and technology, made even more evident in the overall reduction of hours: a reduction depends on the choice or the need to economize - can not deny it - but also with sustainable pedagogical principle to reduce the hours of attendance of pupils at school, repingendo the correlation more hours = more profit school "(pp. 19-20)
- inevitable increase in English, but" perplexing the rule to predict right now the last year the use of foreign language for the framework does not language ": it is because teachers are not prepared, and because this could lead to the abandonment of some ability to convey science in Italian, and it is unthinkable that in the areas of gender and language of a waiver of sovereignty (... ) contract with a foreign language "(pp. 20-21)
- however, there are reserves on the increase in class size (p. 21)
- now there is" the marginalization of classical high school compared to high school, which is now the choice is not marked for (...) General preparation and then continue his studies "as a result, the classic has been feminized and meridionalizzato (p. 22)
- Latin weakened (and loses hours, in the post-reform programs) for these reasons and for a number of additional factors, including the reduction of prestige (p. 23)
- in fact, beyond many of the speeches for and against, Latin is important for the "historical significance", and in some schools it is good to maintain this "direct contact with the original texts" (p. 28)
- on the other hand, the weight of the classic version should be resized in teaching del latino (pp. 29-36)
- il docente d'italiano nella secondaria inferiore e superiore deve fare diverse cose contemporaneamente: "insegnare la lingua, prima di tutto", stimolare l'interesse per la lettura, avviare alla conoscenza dei classici, alimentare discussioni su temi di attualità (p. 37)
- più che chiedere opinioni su temi difficili da inquadrare bene, i docenti dovrebbero sviluppare nei discenti "i meccanismi dell'argomentazione" (p. 38)
- esempio di "una lezione sul barocco che valorizzi il rapporto con la pittura coeva", prendendo spunto da Mattia Preti - esempio, devo dire, ben poco credibile, in base alla mia esperienza della didattica liceale! (pp. 41-42)
- importanza del rigore nella valutazione (pp. 42-44), anche perché i problemi di lingua impediscono il successo in pratica in qualunque altra materia (p. 44)
- nella scuola dell'obbligo tutti devono essere portati a determinati obiettivi, ma nelle fasce successive occorre discriminare il valore e non cancellare la responsabilità dei singoli (p. 45)
- esempi di esercizi divertenti (beh, più o meno...) per i vari livelli di scuola (pp. 46-50), e di verifiche di comprensione del testo a livello avanzato (pp. 51-52)
- i problemi del tema e quelli delle prove alternative (pp. 53-60)
- sesto capitolo: i problemi delle grammatiche contemporanee, con qualche suggerimento per intervenire sui punti critici (pp. 61-75)
- settimo capitolo: il problema dell'arricchimento lessicale, con progetto di far arrivare tutti i diciottenni scolarizzati al livello di competenza necessario a "capire pienamente l'editoriale di uno dei grandi quotidiani" (p. 77)
- ottavo capitolo: spunti didattici sulla letteratura a scuola, con osservazioni su come alcuni fenomeni linguistici in Dante possano essere illustrati solo in un corso universitario, altri nello studio liceale, e altri ancora debbano essere proposti all'attenzione di tutti (p. 91)
- nono capitolo: insegnamento dei classici, e mantenimento della lettura dei testi più antichi in lingua originale
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
What Cause Tingling Aceosse The Back
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