Friday, June 25, 2010

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Review: Corpus linguistics and the web

One of my short (3 pages) review of the book Corpus linguistics and the web was published in the journal Language Resources and Evaluation (Volume 44, No. 3, September 2010 , pp. 291-293).

What a little 'curious for an electronic publication, for a series of review is not too relevant: the book reviewed was published in 2007 and in turn had made contributions to a conference in 2003, and, on the subject, a distance of this weight! However, more than the same content, in this case it seems interesting to point out some 'aspects of Link to the publication.

First, access is not free, which means that those who connect to the magazine by an institution that triggered the subscription package of Springer journals (for example, the university network of Pisa) can read and download the 'article without problems, while those who connect otherwise only has the ability to buy access by paying $ 34. The conditions of publication, however, that the author can provide self-archiving a copy of the PDF (which I immediately did), and make it available in some form (and this, I need to study the documentation ...).

Secondly, although the review is necessarily equipped of his DOI: 10.1007/s10579-010-9119-7 . This means that, by entering into a DOI resolver DOI, such as mEDRA , you are returned safely Article, and that programs such as Zotero automatically allow you to store bibliographic data. The generalization of the DOI in recent years seems a major step forward in the management of scientific literature! To the point that it begins to seem tiring to go to rebuild the data of the old contributions to the press.


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