A Dipartimento chiuso, un po' di bilanci. Il Laboratorio di scrittura di quest'anno è stato, come al solito, interessante: gli studenti hanno prodotto molte voci di Wikipedia di buon livello, su argomenti su cui, di regola, ho parecchio da imparare.
Certo, ogni tanto qualcuno presenta voci che sembrano copiate direttamente da qualche fonte scritta. Niente di troppo allarmante, però: direi che siamo in linea con l'esperienza che ho avuto nel settore negli ultimi dieci anni. In fin dei conti, gli studenti italiani (ma non solo) arrivano spesso all'Università senza che nessuno abbia mai detto loro come funzionano le cose nella scrittura scientifica and professional. To cite only the most important points:
- information is not from the air: either they are first-hand information, or you must indicate where you were taken
- information you may resume, indicating the appropriate source, but not the exact words (unless it is verbatim quotation, appropriately numbered)
- when you write something, you know what mean what you are typing: copy words and phrases taken from some source not much use.
Certo, un assaggio così superficiale forse non rende ragione della complessità delle tesi esposte, ma alcune delle cose contenute in the book I just seem wrong. That, as they say on p. 6, students now have a "new way" to conceive of texts and their authors seem simply untrue. The problems of understanding who wrote what, and how to cite, are identical to those on which I beat his nose at the time of the research out of school in times blissfully ignorant of computers and remixes. The "right" way to provide information that is not something you know intuitively and then you forget when you start working with Photoshop is a conventional practice that is usually learned through explicit instruction - say, through courses like mine .. . And rightly so, the article in the Times concludes by stating that, in real cases, behind scopiazzature in the work does not seem to find a "new way" of understanding the texts is the fact that students want to pass the exams fast and with high grades (knowing full well that not copy is fine) .
short, as one commentator says, Sarah Wilensky, remix or remix, "If you're Closely Taught how to read and synthesize sources Them into your own original argument in middle and high school, you're not going to be tempted to plagiarize in college, and Certainly you will not do so unknowingly. " In Italy, moreover, this kind of education there is very little trace, so I'm not complaining then too if I am repeating it dozens of times, as I have done in recent weeks, that's one thing to take information into account a copy, and so on. Someone's gotta do it!
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