Sunday, March 13, 2011

What To Serve With Boudin Sausage


Tens of thousands of dead crabs in Kent. Hundreds of red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky in Louisiana. Over a hundred thousand dead fish on the banks of Arkansas. 100 other tonnes of dead sardines in southern Brazil. Hundreds of dead doves in Italy, all at Faenza. Faenza is a few miles from my house, but what happens here and what happens in the world? And in these days of 'apocalypse in Japan. To be a pessimist might say that the end of the world is coming, that this much-discussed 2012 could be not only a prophecy Maya, scientists, academics, researchers and animal rights a plausible explanation did not make. If they try to give a denial is immediately and all are at odds with each other.
What happens here and what happens in the world?
are the signs of climate change or the aliens coming?
The answer is perhaps in the Tulli papyrus?
In 1934, Egyptian papyrus, known as "Tulli Papyrus" , was found in an antique shop in Egypt by his brothers Professor Alberto Tulli (then director of the Vatican Pontifical Egyptian Museum) and Monsignor Augusto Tulli.
The papyrus, could not be purchased at the high price, but Professor Tulli copied the text was then transcribed hieratic hieroglyphic, with the help of the Director of the Cairo Museum, Abbot E. Drioton. The papyrus narrated
a series of sightings of mysterious objects in the sky. Protagonists of the story Pharaoh Thuthmosis III (1504-1450, about BC) and many of his subjects.
The papyrus was adopted by the UFO community that elected him a founder of sightings of flying saucers.
In reality it is doubtful that the Tulli papyrus exists, as the 'single copy has never seen a transcript, also describes the celestial phenomena that could be disaster occurred at the time rather than flying saucers. There would be described
terrors: a circle of fire, the diameter of a pole, equal to 52.30 meters, which spits out a breath nausebondo, then other globes of light that cross the sky in all directions, and fish and birds fall to the ground. Ufologists have no doubts: the Tulli papyrus is the first description of a flying saucer.
A striking interpretation is proposed by Renato Vesco (ufologist sui generis, which it believes UFOs are not extraterrestrial, but top secret spacecraft built by Great Britain since the early "50, developing research and technologies developed by Nazi scientists) in the papyrus Tulli would have described the gigantic volcanic eruption which devastated the 'island of Santorini, the' ancient Thera.
The reason leaves no doubt, the weather events can be disatrosi, el 'man must use his brain to solve problems that arise If then there's the extratterrestri, the 'man fronteggerrà anche quelli.

immagine . UFO di Teoderica

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Commercial Lease Application Form

How to store the school

~ A warning of the philosopher Leo Strauss

The Italian teachers, a corpaccione that, subject to the usual noble exceptions, spreads presumptuous moral platitudes and makes reading in class newspapers - how many years does not resonate in the lessons the word "virtue"? -, Sometimes complain loudly and coarsely, as befits a hungry unemployed, compared with the many reforms that are attempted, terrified by anyone should question his knowledge petty bourgeois, the lights Gomorrah, comedians Dantists, never questioning the contradictions of a school open to all, which requires teachers everywhere and eager humanity to learn and with the talent to succeed. To these teachers this afternoon marks, and are indignant in public squares, we devote a sentence of Leo Strauss, an inspiration to think about during their secular procession that marches in arrogant scrolls.

With a lot of flexibility and common sense, the jew-German philosopher wrote: "The human desire to make education accessible to all, leads to an increasing neglect of the quality of education. This does great harm, or at least there are new grounds for alarm, if it takes place in the disciplines of recent origin, but the situation is quite different if they have influenced the discipline itself responsible for the classical heritage. I veri liberali oggi non hanno dovere più pressante che contrastare il liberalismo pervertito, che pretende "che vivere sicuri, felici e protetti, ma per il resto senza regole" sia la mèta semplice ma suprema dell'uomo, e che dimentica qualità, eccellenza o virtù». Era il dopoguerra, Strauss insegnava in una università statunitense, privata, sotto il controllo di tycoons e banchieri, non in un puro liceo classico italiano, gratuito e democratico, ma gli era chiaro ugualmente il fatto incontrovertibile che la civiltà è posta in pericolo dai «futuristi superficiali» e ignoranti dell’eredità di cui sono venuti in possesso, non dai conservatori, anche i più gretti che, proprio for their sense of savings against the tradition, "not ever put in danger." So, forget the Italians Vincenzo Monti for a singer / songwriter from San Remo, physicists who fail Galilei and the splendor of his form to address lingering "problems of nuclear power," the Greek scholars who neglect the grammar, all hasten the end of the West. The computer teachers, teach anyway, do not hurt anyone. At least the high schools (not just classic) are then subtracted for reforms and be placed under protection, with greater care aggregates cultural heritage.

(The quotation is from the essay "Liberalism and classical philosophy 'harvest in Liberalism Ancient and Modern , tradotto in italiano da Giuffrè.)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wedding Thank You For Coming Labels


Melozzo degli Ambrogi, meglio noto come Melozzo da Forlì, nacque nel 1438. La sua prima educazione artistica avvenne forse a Padova, al seguito del pittore forlivese Ansuino, ma sicuramente sulla scia di Andrea Mantenga, negli anni precedenti il 1460. Fu infatti quest'ultimo a indirizzarlo a quelle ricerche di prospettiva aerea e di scorcio di 'sotto in su' che saranno alla base della sua scienza pittorica. L'arte di Melozzo trascese i confini della Romagna per divenire astro dominante sulle scuole dell'Italia centrale. Egli può essere considerato il legittimo precursore della grande pittura illusionistica, sviluppatesi in the following centuries, and particularly with the baroque.
The history is somewhat controversial Melozzo: 1460 to 1464 we find him at home in Urbino in 1465, stopping in Rome in 1471 where he worked until 1481, then to Loreto and Ancona. During his stay in Urbino he came into contact with Piero della Francesca, whose art was influenced but not conditional. Later he worked in the Vatican until 1481, there was 'pictor papalis', and was among the founders of the University of painters known as the San Luca. Before leaving Rome he executed the paintings in the apse of the church of the Holy Apostles, now reduced to fragments detached and stored at the Quirinal Palace and the Pinacoteca Vaticana (the famous musical angels).
Back in Forlì in May 1493, he worked for 18 months at a time of Feo Chapel in the church of San Biagio, producing extraordinary paintings the best with what became his successor, Mark Palmezzano, frescoes, unfortunately, lost in World War II. Melozzo died on 8 November 1494 and is buried in Holy Trinity Church in Forli.

From 29 January to 12 June, his hometown, Forlì, celebrates with the most comprehensive exhibition ever to have been dedicated. San Domenico will be exposed to virtually every mobile operating the artist, bringing even the colossal cycle of frescoes he created for the apse of the Church of the Holy Apostles in Rome, Vatican Museums and cycle between dispersed Quirinale.
The exhibition will also offer the great masterpieces by Mantegna, Piero della Francesca (in the show, for the first time after its restoration, even the "Madonna di Sinigaglia), from Bramante to Berruguete, from which he drew lessons and suggestions Melozzo or who, like Fra Angelico, Mino da Fiesole, Antoniazzo Romano, attended the papal Rome.

Finally, a large sequence of works, selected for specific affinity of artists who were inspired by him, in particular Raphael in this amazing show with a core of masterpieces, and that his pupils were, first of all Marco Palmezzano .

Along with works by Perugino, Benozzo Gozzoli, Paolo Uccello, to compose an exciting overview of the great interpreters of one of the happiest moments in art history.
"Without Melozzo, the sixteenth of Raphael and Michelangelo would not exist." The review of Antonio Paolucci, director of the Vatican Museums, makes it perfectly the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the teacher has Forlì "weighed" the entire Renaissance.
The exhibition will be shown Saturday and Sunday from 9,30 to 20 and from Tuesday to Friday from 9.30 to

image: Melozzo by Theodoric of Forlì

How To Stems Remix Packs

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cruising Spots Long Island



Is there a kingdom that all your clothes the night

and women who are there with you
are so many, my friend, are
riddles of sorrow that
We men do not ever disband. How to burn
tears seem endless as

nobody sees the wounds that you carry inside you. In the rain of God

sometimes drowns
but clean
memories before it's too late.

Look at the sun when it comes down and turns golden and purple sea
the beauty in you

does not disappear because you know it can never return the sun.
And if the storm passes and the wind rushes
are you fold
even stronger than the oaks and then you also
evil can not harm you.

A gold
crutch to get to heaven
women chasing love.
Sometimes, my friend, you can almost fly

but men are not angels.
You weep in their place you have chosen for this

and hide his face because the pain is shining. A mystery that never

we understand if you get lost in life
will not stop the music.

Look at the sun when it comes down and turns golden and purple sea
the beauty in you

Never goes away because you know that the sun can come back after dark
the sun will rise. And if the storm passes

are the first to find the item you

queens always light and hell and then also
evil can not harm you


Horrible Itchy Bumps After Waxing

"Sì, Oscuro Signore! - Seconda Edizione" nel catalogo Stratelibri

Stratelibri ha appena aggiunto al proprio catalogo la seconda edizione di " Sì, Oscuro Signore! - Il gioco di carte di Rigor Mortis ".


Sì, Oscuro Signore! (abbreviato in SOS!) è un party game d'ambientazione fantasy dal tono scanzonato ed umoristico. Per giocare sono sufficienti friends, a little imagination and a great desire to have fun. Is the brainchild of Fabrizio Bonifacio and Massimiliano Enrico that, working with Chiara Ferlito , have long presented in the main Italian convention being a hit. The game is simple and easy to learn: the servants of evil and inept Rigor Mortis , one true genius of evil, returning home after yet another failed mission, and must justify themselves before their Lord, unlikely stories and inventing excuses and download as much as possible, the guilt about their companions in misfortune. The game is beautifully illustrated by Riccardo Crosa .

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Red Discoloration Dog's Upper Lip

'reduce Redness On Arms'

Il Flying Circus a Ludica 2011

The Flying Circus will be at Ludica 2011, Italian Festival of the Game and Game, Self Area (FieraMilanoCity, 11-13 March, Hall 4) .

The Flying Circus will be present with various role-playing games, including:
Yes, Dark Lord (RPG Storytelling)
System: operated with the original GDR Narrative cards
Type of Event: GCNC (collectible card game)
Director: Zib (fbonif @ hotmail. Com) and LordMax (lordmax lordmax @. Com)
Number of participants: 3 to 6.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours.
Organizers: Zib and LordMax

Description: In each epic tale in the shadow or not the evil plot to destroy civilization and all that is right in order to overcome the dark side of life . They do this as long as one or more heroes bar their way and the cost of great sacrifices and troubled defeats them showing the goodness and justice in the districts. Thanks for the great heroes in your contribution to winning the light! Ma .. What happens when the messengers of Darkness back to those same guts that gave them birth? What happens when these devious servants of the Dark Side are facing their Dark Lord (Master)? This is what we're going to discover.

Ludica Italian Festival is dedicated to the game table and video games. Play is in conjunction with Cartoomics , Festival of Comics. Visitors have the opportunity, with a single ticket, to participate in both events.

playful and at Hall 4, 11 to 13 March 2011, from 9.30 to 19.30, FieraMilanoCity, Viale Scarampo, Milan.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mutual Fund Return Calculator



Viva Carnival confetti, paper bombs
not hurting! Van
the streets in gay company
warriors of joy:
is shot in the face laughter
become prisoners
with colorful streamers. No need for nurses because

heal the wounded
with candy.
lead the assault, a step of tarantella, the commander in chief
Stopped the battle, everyone to bed. The pillow

stands out as a medal
a coriander Carnival.

Gianni Rodari

Carnival is a bit 'as a child again, with the mask, but not the mask that delivers daily to deceive others, is a period in which the meat is, which is a little 'angels a little' devils, which is the 'fun ... long live the Carnival.

The Carnival sweets are usually fried and a little 'heavy on my table is no shortage of "noodles sweet, here's the recipe:

on pastry pour 400 grams of flour is mixed with 3 eggs, the dough is smooth and uniform, pulling the dough. Then grate over the zest of two or three lemons, with a little 'juice, sprinkle it with plenty of sugar, rolled and cut noodles about 2 cm wide. fry in hot oil e. .. viva viva carnival.

image: streamers of Theodoric

Friday, March 4, 2011

Disney Cruise Booking



«– Domani all’alba ho un impegno al Quirinale – .
Di che natura? – Non sai? Ho un amico
Che piglia per marito un amico.
Cerimonia per pochi intimi – .
Viviamo ancora un poco: vedremo
Fare in pubblico queste cose.
E messe agli atti anche».
Il poeta nelle previsioni sdegnate si ingannò: trascorsero almeno mille e novecento anni circa da questa scenetta schizzata da Giovenale nella II Satira (qui in translating Ceronetti, for Einaudi, which dates back to 1971) and began to acts symbolic marriages of this kind. Perhaps the advent of Christianity, a little later, overthrew the climax of extravagance brought by a desire without brakes. Or took a look at the body and eros in a less futile, leaving aside the tone of parody in the satire alluded to the practice and finding happiness in a new brake. In any case, the translator warns: "the classic drug: nailing the vanity opinions on this." The similarity with our discussions, it empties them of their dependents 'innovative', the heady feeling of being extreme in history, and back to the relentless repeatability of human action, more or less successful copies, a d'après often forget the original, a little 'note compartment. But even the classical moralists can be deceiving, since the game is to oppose the satire of modern corruption the golden world of yesteryear, the laudatio temporis acti. The moralists of every age have clung to these Latin verses to justify their arguments atrabiliari, angry regret, but they form the style of Juvenal: he managed to turn honey into gall, according to the formula of its modern translator.

rages in our time a different satire. Nor gall or honey, syrupy drink instead of the label shows a maximum false-old even in Latin, dating from the seventeenth-century French writer Jean de Santeul and bonhomie by the resounding oratory: "laughing castigat mores." Literature can punish someone (apart from the fame of mediocre writers who autopuniscono)? There is a very powerful feared that the poets? Are no more dangerous than the shyster that manipulate the public audience with the worst banalities without metrics? The fact is that no one wants to conquer the palm of contemporary poetry when downloading insults under the guise of satire. The willingness to say anything, to challenge good manners, has resulted in an acquired right, even endorsed by the Supreme Court, such as mutual and pension, which usually relies on the "constitutional values \u200b\u200b', culture and freedom, to protect every grimace like a' work of art.

The ideal 'complicity with the other people laugh, "he was talking about Bergson in his famous" essay on the meaning of the comic, "now seems to evoke the identity politics or what's left of it: complicity in laughter. And the accomplices form a herd, as they say today, a lovely bunch, never - even Bergson argued - there can be identification with the victim of rice. In times of good intentions of hidden aggression, so that the rice is not to besiege and isolate the special scapegoat. Small hyenas. The words are sometimes stones but of course the stoning of quips and jokes hurts less true of the stones is a symbolic stoning. Laughter is still hard, takes a far too fleeting compassion. In these cases, the 'punishment' is probably grinning painless? Nothing to do with the generous smile of the test.

Presenting his Juvenal, Ceronetti warned by such degeneration, "A wise moralist knows to stop in time, because over the invisible line of wisdom is the greed of the destruction of the sinner." Probably Judgement as a satirist, the Latin poet knows that his literary work can not redeem Rome, nor straighten characters and peoples, at best to console the sad friends of the writer as unfortunate elected. The great satirist is merciful, loving his views should not be confused with the "satire des petites gens" (Boissier) that tickles the minds to produce smiles hardship. The translator of Juvenal revealed in the last lines of its introduction four decades ago the secret of the poet and moralist of the best: the battle with evil is driven by an irresistible fascination that it exerts on them, to the point of dedicating one's life and writing to the ugliness that offend us. Moreover, even a Daumier were forced not to ever depict the beauty, to pursue the ridiculous, to travel perpetually in the "third-class carriages."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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snowy night

Peace! screaming bell,
but distant, dim. There

un marmoreo cimitero
sorge, su cui l'ombra tace:
e ne sfuma al cielo nero
un chiarore ampio e fugace.
Pace! pace! pace! pace!
nella bianca oscurità.

Giovanni Pascoli

Sembrava già di sentire il profumo di primavera, l' aria era mite e i giorni luminosi, annusando intensamente l' aria potevo sentire quasi l' odore del mare e dell' estate, invece mi sono alzata da letto ed oggi 3 marzo 2011 ho trovato un manto di neve alto 40 centimetri, brrrrrrr che freddo, a me la neve non piace, non piace per niente. Anche a Pascoli, il poeta romagnolo più famoso, non piace la neve.

NOTTE DI NEVE pare insensato, paragonare una notte di neve alla morte,ma per Pascoli, invece, non lo è. Egli, ha voluto esprimere se stesso trovando nella realtà che lo circonda un chiaro esempio della sua sofferenza e del suo desiderio di pace eterna, che può essere esaudito soltanto attraverso l’arrivo della morte tanto attesa. Come si può notare, il bisogno del poeta di “liberarsi” dal proprio dolore e di trovare finalmente la serenità è evidenziato dalla parola chiave “pace”, la cui ripetizione rompe il silenzio della notte. Con “bianca oscurità” ,Pascoli sottolinea la contrapposizione e, nello stesso tempo, la somiglianza tra la neve candida and darkness. Snow is silent as it is death and how death is a cry that covers everything, everything that is fleeting as life itself.

image: Snow Theodoric

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

List Of Strongest Woods

Small People of the world

~ 'an ancient FELICITE MIXED RACE' ~ ~
Hofmannsthal and celebrate another SAVINIO ITALY ~

Let us not torment the writings in these months of chauvinistic Jubilee Risorgimento, Italy deserves better. I do not regret the lack of the Protestant Reformation, which would have been approved in other countries, such as the repeated mea culpa maniacs. A distant aristocratic Viennese Jewish origins, which boasted a "drop of blood Lombard, "Hugo von Hofmannsthal, the major writers of German in the twentieth century, can help us understand another Italy, the one forgotten by contemporary critics, all taken by the enthusiasm for the unique dimension, global, ashamed of the most eccentric of the beautiful country, a Catholic , universalist, drama, daring and mischievous. He denied the long-soaked baroque because the Counter (the recent discovery was of cross-border), but fearing any similarity with the art of Fascism, the offer is unfortunately also the classics of all time, avoided like the plague, let obscure the fact that the geniuses of the Renaissance coincided with the hated Papists by Luther and the Mannerist comeback were grown in culture post-Tridentine, which is why the 'secular' Roberto Longhi escaped with the great rebel who became Caravaggio found the key figure in the history of Italian art, going out in Thus the "black hole of Mannerism and the Baroque, a reflection of that damnatio desanctisiana Croce and then, the Catholic Reformation" (Gian Lorenzo Mellini).

Hofmannsthal that, exactly one hundred years ago, coupled with Richard Strauss, delighted the audience in Dresden with the opera Der Rosenkavalier (here is a secular birthday celebrated with due recognition should be), cheerful holiday di intrighi galanti, era l’autore ideale per rovesciare l’idea dell’Italia tramandata dai Piagnoni. E in un brevissimo testo del 1927 dedicato ai Promessi Sposi e al suo autore, provò a riassumere la nostra cultura in poche righe, facendo aggio appunto su quel romanzo manzoniano che «rappresenta l’Italia dinanzi al mondo, quella vera Italia che si perpetua costantemente sotto qualsiasi stato espressivo, in virtù della saldezza straordinariamente elastica di una antichissima razza felicemente mista» ( «I Promessi Sposi» di Alessandro Manzoni in Saggi italiani , a cura di Lea Ritter Santini, Oscar Mondadori). A scuola si è ormai tanto banali da ripetere che the protagonist looks like a santarellina, the tone is moralistic, in short, nothing to do with the novels of modern French and Anglo-Saxons, Hofmannsthal, Mighty Mighty novelist as well as a poet, had a different opinion.

"The noble and difficult concept of Italian," says the Viennese can be reconstructed from a novel that is considered 'romantic' but that has nothing to which they show the dreamy contemporaries across the Alps, "not encroaches ever in the dream and fancy, "not in the passion haunts solitary individual, the narrative being in fact Italian choral familistic with mothers, uncles, cousins \u200b\u200bof the first and second degree, neighbors, priests, monks, servants, schemers, legulei: a crib. In such a busy daily life there is "a knowledge of the world where no nation is equal to the Italian." In the land of realism, even during the Romantik, "any figure at all times act guided by self-interest at stake - nothing more opposite sign to the sentimental, the romantic in each pulse there is a consciousness of the limits (defined not as social barriers, but appointed by God), a joy even to the extent (and recognition is the fascination of reading) - the same time, however, every moment is given the opportunity to go beyond all boundaries and precipitated violently towards the infinite, even for God. " It's a novel "lay" as Tom Jones, "Jansenist" as taught us in high school with a taste for pedantry, "but at the same time - supports Hofmannsthal using words very demanding - is steeped in religion, Catholic Christianity of human post Tridentine-like no other book in world literature. " A Catholic Christianity in fact, very human, wise, tolerant, which makes its way between the romantic hallucinations, among the most brazen experiments that have already ended in silence and nihilism. In contrast, a "human old-fashioned, old e giovane insieme, impregnata fino al midollo dello spirito della cristianità cattolica; in questa sintesi verosimilmente imperfetta ci illumina il bagliore di una rivelazione, forse la più alta dell’ italianità . Con questa persuasione nel cuore si potrebbe parlare di questo libro come d’un libro quasi indistruttibile, finché almeno reggano le fibre stesse di quest’antico popolo». La attuale disattenzione verso l’opera manzoniana dovrebbe dunque preoccuparci non poco: forse siamo tanto vecchi da essere còlti da una specie di Alzheimer collettivo. E ripieghiamo nella lettura delle lezioncine impartite dai giornalisti stranieri in prose senza garbo e senza stile.

Hofmannsthal insiste sull’antiromanticismo the novel and the Italians, remember when we import mode d'everywhere, tearing down our roots. "Nothing is so far from the romantic style of this book listed among the masterpieces of the Romantic era. Even the famous 'sobriety' antiromantic Stendhal appears almost sliced \u200b\u200bwith respect to the immediate, natural simplicity of this narrative. " Dominates here the "naturalness" and "never a narrator was so wonderfully near and far, to the same extent, all the characters," then to tell the ideal life, where "every single creature has a very soft edge, never less '. Novel "a people whose greatness is based on a terrible realism and noble in the passion, "he always manages to avoid" the stubborn prejudice and contempt. "

Hofmannsthal In Milan he dedicated his masterpiece, Reitergeschichte (History of Cavalry), or the extraordinary images of the Italian Risorgimento seen from Vienna, a story that should be mandatory reading as an antidote to gloomy reflections Mazzini we require from all over to the anniversary of the state. This is a "ride of death" against a backdrop of beautiful Italy. The author, who was proud of his ancestry Lombard found in these pages on its south, the southern part, passionate, instinctive, which breaks the perfect Teutonic Order, the majesty of the white uniforms of blond soldiers on horseback. It is the Milan of the First War of Independence reflected in the eyes of the troopers Austrians are not the warrior virtues of the patriots who arouse admiration and respect but the Ambrosian city that echoes of the bells, its young people that move like gods on Olympus, the 'incomparable church art that appeals to the hearts of the soldiers, the kind that shows up in forms balanced and razor sharp.

In Milan, in these days, Savinio back to cheer the city that listens to the heart with an exhibition of his work in many forms. Thanks to him, the capital of Lombardy, which typically raises discount aesthetic judgments, had a book of loving praise. And in that book Savinio fun, like a mysterious echo of the words of Manzoni Hofmannsthal, to hit the dreamers in the mists of romantic melancholia by the followers of overwork, the everlasting dressed in black like some pathetic habit existentialist intellectuals Germans' ... Anglo-Saxons often lack the poetic realism, poetic values \u200b\u200bignore the present, and transfer them to a world so far, obscure and uncontrollable as death. [...] What else reveals that confidence in the poetic future of death, if not a lack of poetic present. [...] If it is empty of value, believe in death as a supreme value, and death that awaits that life has given him. For supreme sense of vulgarity, you want to be 'different' from what you are. Then comes the aesthetic get in this beautiful, this lively talk, this correct, and beautify their own reality. And what more radical change in Death? [...] Death is not for nothing that the teacher of aesthetics [...] André Suarès note that Italian literature has never taken seriously the pain and death. Our mental superiority over the Anglo-Saxons, our classic. " ( listen to your heart, city ).

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EHHHH .... I know, are in hiding for a while 'but there are quiet
:-) But how much snow this year I was just putting in motion to start creating jewelry spring (this tuttunideainstesta ...) when you Zacchè snowing and snowing and you will re-snowing .. then clamps down, pearls and lace and go to sferruzzamentoooo!
And 'from October 2010 I want to do a cap, but of those grilled knitting seriously .. but are denied the forms of "explained" in the magazines .. Yeah yeah .. those alz 1g 2f. .. 1m acc ... etc. But what the hell will want to say
ste acronyms? Want to write iron? Write iron! Want to write a twisted mesh? Write a jersey twisted! In fact, the pattern thrown, caught and went to car expert friend Paola sferruzzante in two minutes I tell you how to make the two legendary cap.
taken by the enthusiasm I have already made two, are undecided on the cheerleader .. I put it there or not? I'm so 80's ... but .. I do not know ..
accept opinions and ;-)... thanks Paola!
them public as soon as I decide on the issue cheerleader:-D

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My return to Italy is getting closer: it is a good opportunity to rethink a lot of things and in small, even Indian language experience.

One of the most interesting is also the most obvious. In India's northwest, between universities and tourism, in everyday life you can get away with no problem using English. Knowledge of English is by no means universal, but all educated people know him and most people know the two or three words to most of the trade.

How widespread? In terms of written language, most of you are also presented in English in a month and a half mia conoscenza del devanagari si è rivelata indispensabile solo in un paio di occasioni, per decifrare qualche scritta importante. Inoltre, io sto in zona universitaria e, se guardo alla finestra, oltre il filo spinato della residenza, oltre il traffico di B. B. Marg, tutti i negozi visibili espongono solo insegne in inglese e in alfabeto latino. A Delhi è una situazione eccezionale, e Delhi è uno dei centri in cui l'inglese è più diffuso... però anche questo fa parte dell'India.

Pochi giorni fa, del resto, il mio amato New York Times pubblicava un articolo di Manu Joseph intitolato India Faces a Linguistic Truth: English Spoken Here . Nell'articolo, exaggerating a bit ', it says that "Inglese is the de facto national language of India" is not just that, but certainly in competition for the most popular language, English has many advantages, for example against Hindi . It happened to me, for example, to receive advice as to try to speak English rather than Hindi, even for the simplest things, including cars and take ciclorisciò. The reason: many drivers, and many workers in Delhi, are immigrants, and do not have much sympathy for Hindi. Delhi is a city that was filled with people coming from Bengal or the Punjab, and immigrants often do not understand or do not like to talk about Hindi. Many writings on the media public are in four languages \u200b\u200band four different alphabets: Hindi (in Devanagari), English (Latin), Urdu (in Arabic script) and Punjabi (Punjabi alphabet).

In this context, English is the language of former rulers: it is simply a convenient language that enables many to communicate on an equal footing, without feelings of inferiority. Presented well, the picture may be too rosy. But the fact remains that, coming from Italy and all menate "defense of Italian", etc., affects the pragmatic way in which the Indians take English. As I like Italian, well, I am very comfortable with the idea of \u200b\u200ban international language of reference that anyone can use. Someone knows better than others, because it is the mother tongue? Well, patience is not sure what to make a difference.

For what I see, then, the Indians there is no feeling of inferiority (as is found at times among the Chinese), nor the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing in some way diminished by the use of English . India has a lot of problems, that Indians do not lie, but I never ever find someone who says, "all the fault of the colonizers / globalization / corporate," and so on. Indeed, in a long train journey to Jaisalmer, I've also heard you preach on autonomy by a sympathetic official ("Wing Commander") of the Air: "Ah, you too have the Americans at home? As in Japan? not be so nice to find someone else to drive!"

I tried to explain that things are not like that, but I do not know if I got to the end. And anyway, of course, the whole conversation took place in English ...