Il Flying Circus a Ludica 2011
The Flying Circus will be at Ludica 2011, Italian Festival of the Game and Game, Self Area (FieraMilanoCity, 11-13 March, Hall 4) .
The Flying Circus will be present with various role-playing games, including:
Yes, Dark Lord (RPG Storytelling)
System: operated with the original GDR Narrative cards
Type of Event: GCNC (collectible card game)
Director: Zib (fbonif @ hotmail. Com) and LordMax (lordmax lordmax @. Com)
Number of participants: 3 to 6.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours.
Organizers: Zib and LordMax
Description: In each epic tale in the shadow or not the evil plot to destroy civilization and all that is right in order to overcome the dark side of life . They do this as long as one or more heroes bar their way and the cost of great sacrifices and troubled defeats them showing the goodness and justice in the districts. Thanks for the great heroes in your contribution to winning the light! Ma .. What happens when the messengers of Darkness back to those same guts that gave them birth? What happens when these devious servants of the Dark Side are facing their Dark Lord (Master)? This is what we're going to discover.
Ludica Italian Festival is dedicated to the game table and video games. Play is in conjunction with Cartoomics , Festival of Comics. Visitors have the opportunity, with a single ticket, to participate in both events.
playful and at Hall 4, 11 to 13 March 2011, from 9.30 to 19.30, FieraMilanoCity, Viale Scarampo, Milan.
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