Monday, March 7, 2011

Horrible Itchy Bumps After Waxing

"Sì, Oscuro Signore! - Seconda Edizione" nel catalogo Stratelibri

Stratelibri ha appena aggiunto al proprio catalogo la seconda edizione di " Sì, Oscuro Signore! - Il gioco di carte di Rigor Mortis ".


Sì, Oscuro Signore! (abbreviato in SOS!) è un party game d'ambientazione fantasy dal tono scanzonato ed umoristico. Per giocare sono sufficienti friends, a little imagination and a great desire to have fun. Is the brainchild of Fabrizio Bonifacio and Massimiliano Enrico that, working with Chiara Ferlito , have long presented in the main Italian convention being a hit. The game is simple and easy to learn: the servants of evil and inept Rigor Mortis , one true genius of evil, returning home after yet another failed mission, and must justify themselves before their Lord, unlikely stories and inventing excuses and download as much as possible, the guilt about their companions in misfortune. The game is beautifully illustrated by Riccardo Crosa .


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