Saturday, March 12, 2011

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How to store the school

~ A warning of the philosopher Leo Strauss

The Italian teachers, a corpaccione that, subject to the usual noble exceptions, spreads presumptuous moral platitudes and makes reading in class newspapers - how many years does not resonate in the lessons the word "virtue"? -, Sometimes complain loudly and coarsely, as befits a hungry unemployed, compared with the many reforms that are attempted, terrified by anyone should question his knowledge petty bourgeois, the lights Gomorrah, comedians Dantists, never questioning the contradictions of a school open to all, which requires teachers everywhere and eager humanity to learn and with the talent to succeed. To these teachers this afternoon marks, and are indignant in public squares, we devote a sentence of Leo Strauss, an inspiration to think about during their secular procession that marches in arrogant scrolls.

With a lot of flexibility and common sense, the jew-German philosopher wrote: "The human desire to make education accessible to all, leads to an increasing neglect of the quality of education. This does great harm, or at least there are new grounds for alarm, if it takes place in the disciplines of recent origin, but the situation is quite different if they have influenced the discipline itself responsible for the classical heritage. I veri liberali oggi non hanno dovere più pressante che contrastare il liberalismo pervertito, che pretende "che vivere sicuri, felici e protetti, ma per il resto senza regole" sia la mèta semplice ma suprema dell'uomo, e che dimentica qualità, eccellenza o virtù». Era il dopoguerra, Strauss insegnava in una università statunitense, privata, sotto il controllo di tycoons e banchieri, non in un puro liceo classico italiano, gratuito e democratico, ma gli era chiaro ugualmente il fatto incontrovertibile che la civiltà è posta in pericolo dai «futuristi superficiali» e ignoranti dell’eredità di cui sono venuti in possesso, non dai conservatori, anche i più gretti che, proprio for their sense of savings against the tradition, "not ever put in danger." So, forget the Italians Vincenzo Monti for a singer / songwriter from San Remo, physicists who fail Galilei and the splendor of his form to address lingering "problems of nuclear power," the Greek scholars who neglect the grammar, all hasten the end of the West. The computer teachers, teach anyway, do not hurt anyone. At least the high schools (not just classic) are then subtracted for reforms and be placed under protection, with greater care aggregates cultural heritage.

(The quotation is from the essay "Liberalism and classical philosophy 'harvest in Liberalism Ancient and Modern , tradotto in italiano da Giuffrè.)


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