Friday, February 25, 2011

How Long Results Of Protein

The Schiavi

~ The accused BODY AND

talk obsessively about corruption, the Puritans of every age, meaning that the word failure to proceed unscrupulous, the vices of weakness in front of the money, beauty, the splendor, never Referring to the corruption of time, the bodies that are deformed in a few years, the spirit that is fading, the lives that are going out. For better or worse, even accepting this corruption as a human, a feature of Adam and Eve and their descendants just outside the Garden of Eden, Catholicism tries to redeem deformation and encumbrances, comes to sanctify the flesh, to believe beyond death, despite the death and its terrible seals. Here then is the true, holy battle against corruption, the only real corruption that we tamper with for years and then kills us. And the only one that affects everyone, no privileged groups that if they can pull off: the Christians know the only hope of salvation, not the pride of being the best. The

divert from the purpose of Christian life, the exchange straws beam already in the doctrine, may classify the puritanism of heresy, perhaps the most hostile to the Roman religion. Explain a contemporary theologian, a French Dominican, in a Dictionary of Catholic morality: "Do not hesitate to denounce Puritanism as a deformation, a real heresy of Christian morality. As with all heresy, the intentions at the beginning are excellent. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries a movement in England, pious and devout, he proposed to revive the purity of the Bible. However, based on the absence of an authentic humanism, this listening to the "sola scriptura" has led many excesses. You start by strongly criticizing the various forms of luxury and frivolity, then formal entertainment (theater, in particular), and then accuse the art, the pleasure of the body. The conviction and be predestined to be part of a sort of elite Christian reinforces the moral rigor: in the midst of a world that runs to the destruction, the Puritans feel protected by their own integrity. [...] The word "Puritanism", which initially showed an extreme fringe of Calvinism and English Presbyterian, became commonly used. There is felt as a longing for purity. In fact, the Puritan dream of a radical purity, absolute, ideal, he exaggerates the consequences of original sin, doubts the goodness of human nature and formal notice of its aspirations, its needs, its pleasures. He thinks that art is a vain thing, often corrupting and rejects the moral right of the half, strengthening the rigor of the law and ends up making very hard, not to mention the unbearable yoke offered by Christ. Gide writes [that was Protestant culture, ed]: "A certain puritanism that have taught me how to be the moral of the Christ" has alienated an entire generation of Christians from the sacramental practice, or they have ingrained hypocrisy throughout the last century and part of ours. It can therefore be defined Puritanism as the moral form of fundamentalism and fundamentalist doctrine. [...] "(Jean-Louis Bruguès, Dictionary of Catholic moral , Dominican Studio Editions, 1994, pp. 306-307)

good theologian says that these heretics" accuse the art, the pleasure, the body " all instruments of corruption in their eyes. The art of so-called Counter-Reformation, in fact, was seduttiva : dal momento che l’Europa pullulava di divisioni, di errori, di travisamenti della verità, quando dunque la Cristianità aveva smesso di essere un’ecclesia a dimensione continentale, dalla Islanda a Pantelleria, e la dottrina romana si scontrava con nuove visioni del mondo, il messaggio evangelico non poteva non presentarsi che come una seduzione. Il pittore Giovan Battista Gaulli detto il Baciccio, il pittore gesuita Andrea Dal Pozzo rapivano i sensi dello spettatore e lo trascinavano in alto, nei piaceri celesti, alla corte voluttuosa dei santi, nei trionfi sublimi della eternità. Soffitti adescatori, avrebbero esclamato con spregio i moralisti nemici dei cinque sensi.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy 25th Birthday Clip Art

Puritan heresy and sybaritic banquets

~ The odium theologicum winds

Speaking of Renaissance architecture, John Ruskin wrote in his most famous, The Stones of Venice "is the moral of it that is corrupt." Clear opinion: even the buildings of Palladio, the Goethe 'houses with tall columns, "are under the sign of corruption for this sensitive Victorian loved Italy - on the myth of the beautiful country between the Victorians has just inaugurated an exhibition at the Gallery National of Modern Art in Rome - but he had inherited from his mother a strict Puritan culture. The original sin that was uncovered in the peninsula, as usual, Catholicism, or rather, according to the vulgate of Romantic and post-romantic, pagan Christianity. "Pagan origin, arrogant and disrespectful in its first revival of ancient forms, paralyzed in his age, has invented an architecture, it seems, to the plagiarist of its architects, slaves of its artisans, and its sybaritic inhabitants, an architecture in which [...] you grant to every luxury, and in any insolence is strengthened. The first thing you should do is to banish forever and shake the dust from our feet. " A veritable crusade, a "war of styles," as was said. Click precipitate development of Palladio and Palladio's neo-pagans use it to put in nice shape the insolence of their principals sybaritic luxury: rather than a misunderstanding, the misunderstanding of a singular culture, it seems a delusion. Art that now seems to be the most superhuman at the dawn of the twentieth century still needed a defense attorney in the process from the party of secular moralists intentatole.

and found it in British soil, in the person of Geoffrey Scott, a young English student of Berenson, who in 1914 published a peroration to Palladio in a small book entitled Architecture of Humanism in which comments on the words of Ruskin: 'The theologicum odium has come to stimulate the techniques of dispute. [...] The poets and professors have declared this building sterile architecture of the imagination, the intellect absurd: now we find repugnant to the conscience and dangerous for the soul "(there is a translation of ' Architecture of Humanism at the hands of Helen Cross, published by Dedalus in Bari, where we take this and other citations).

in aversion to churches and Renaissance palaces and then it is not only a matter of taste, namely the romantic style, "there is also a tendency to judge from the ethical point of view." British island embodies a powerful movement of opinion in the name of moral puritan attacks of the Italian Renaissance architecture and art, its meaning Catholic . "The old Puritanism of the seventeenth century - Scott writes -, made a comprehensive calculation of the influence of art on life, had condemned and excluded from his republic with equal firmness and less courtesy than that used by Plato against the poets. The puritanism of the nineteenth century tried instead, by preventing the art and raising the dignity, to govern its manifestations, to guide the steps of the creative wandering, and also to interpret its history. " It came out of a cult of Christianity before the Reformation and the clearest rejection of art and civilization against which Martin Luther had risen: the Rome of the humanist Pope Leo X, the wonders of the Renaissance, the providential presence of many genes in a season. Raphael, idealized and transfigured by Winckelmann and later by the romantic, becomes the watershed. After him the deluge , or the Counter-Reformation. Scott is surprising that, in the eyes of neo-Puritans, "the Roman architecture represents the Church of Rome," but is it really so naive such an overlap?

"Infidels," "perverse," "insincere": this is the artists' way as their clients, clergy and Roman princes. For the 'art Jesuit "and then the anger is special. Also, a plea of \u200b\u200b'class' intensifies hatred: Renaissance architecture has roots in the aristocracy, only natural that after the Eighty-the art must undergo a process of democratization. How could Scott says, putting up an architecture that had "exalted principles and served popes, maintained the subordination of the particular design, the architect of the craftsman, the authority of conscience, whim of civilization, the individual will to control organized, all of which could odious philosophy of revolution, "and here that the bourgeois Protestant ethic react with bitterness, with the eternal suspicion of beauty, with the fear of money ostentatious without too much hypocrisy. The experiment neo-Gothic style, the group anticipates that the sectarian form of avant-garde, is better suited to the utopia of capitalism. Generalizing the alleged understanding of medieval art from the farmer - according to a simple representation in vogue in time - they wanted to now that all art would be within reach of the peasants and workers of the new industrial complexes, were expected di offrire al popolo «i privilegi della cultura senza richiedere la pazienza che la cultura richiede».

Come avrebbero reagito i diretti interessati, i Michelangelo e i Palladio, buoni cristiani, di fronte agli attacchi etici dei puritani moderni? Sicuri della dottrina cattolica, non avrebbero dato peso a tali accuse, ritenendole probabilmente nient’altro che ossessioni ereticali. E magari se fosse loro capitata l’occasione di osservare le opere di questa congrega neo-gotica, per esempio certi quadri di Ruskin esposti nella mostra di questi giorni alla Gnam, avrebbero sorriso della sua capacità di trasformare le splendenti creature di Botticelli in figure afflitte. La pia confraternita, sapiente nell’arte degli ornamenti, could not make credible characters who painted: there was, in contrast to the eloquent portraits from the sixteenth century faces, something inhuman, mechanical, of property; trick to have an expression, were always unsure of sex, sometimes heavy.

Mazzinians I will be the side to the accusations of corruption launched by Ruskin and his associates to the Italian culture. They are also willing to give up the great architecture, the great art, stemming from civilization papist, what remained of the large peninsula? Maybe the little that made it similar to other European countries have modernized, for which the apostles of the Renaissance was dying. A big deal: as he noted Dostoevsky in his Diary of a Writer , had managed to sell off a garden paradise, home to all Europeans, for a small state, calculated to the French.
[See on this' Almanac ', even as a preamble to the exhibition of Yum, "Nazarenes and Pre-Raphaelites'
As an antidote to the English Puritans but it is always useful Chesterton (on "Almanac," "Venus and Mary according to Chesterton," 20Maria%% 20e% 20IN% 20G .% 20K. 20Chesterton% ]

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can Gallbladder Polyps Cause Pain

Giochi Uniti ha annunciato la ristampa di "Sì, Oscuro Signore"

Games U.S. ( ) has announced the imminent deployment of " Yes, Dark Lord: SECOND EDITION . In this new edition more than 150 papers and two different game rules. Includes cards from that expansion is the first edition of The albra heroes.

Ritorna in una nuova versione uno dei giochi italiani di carte più venduti: Sì Oscuro Signore.

Sei di ritorno alla tenebrosa Torre dell’Oscura Stregoneria, dopo un'altra missione andata male. Sua Eccellenza,il Lord delle Terre Perdute non ne sarà certo compiaciuto! Presto sarai dinanzi al Suo cospetto, e Lui ti interrogherà su questo ennesimo fallimento. Che fare per conservare integra la pellaccia?Magari potresti raccontargli che la colpa non è tua, ma di quegli imbecilli dei tuoi compari? Ma sì, certo! Ecco la soluzione! C'è un solo, piccolo problema: la stessa idea sarà occurred to them too ...
tells tall tales! Download Blame! Saved from the evil genius! Yes, Dark Lord! is a party game of fantasy from the light-hearted tone and humorous, quick to learn and easy to play: they are sufficient and some friends a little 'fantasy. The evil and inept servants of Rigor Mortis, and the only true genius of evil, will have to justify himself in front of their Lord, inventing stories and improbable shift the blame on their fellow sufferers.

Age: 13 + - Players: 4-8 - Length: 30 '- 19.90 Euro

Monday, February 21, 2011

Christian Wedding Program Wording

The final sprint to the window

Since I'm finishing dramatically in India in arrears in the mail and corrections. A bit 'for commitments here, I agree, but mostly because I undertook to write a small book in a month and a half, at an average speed of three pages a day. Deadline February 28, 80 pages ready, 40 to finish ... The final sprint begins today!

Who Buys Antique Henredon Dining Room Tables?


La delectatio morosa accompagna i giornali e tutti gli altri media di Europa mentre sguazzano sulle vicende pruriginose che i magistrati italiani mettono in mostra e in piazza. E la stampa nostrana, in particolare quella che agita con particolare foga le bandierine tricolori, approfitta della curiosità che l’Italia sempre suscita all’estero quando si parla di peccato, per enfatizzare questo interesse e invocare, onde «non farci ridere dietro», la fine della nostra ‘eccezione’. È in corso infatti una furiosa battle to erase the old look of the beautiful country, to flatten the neutrality of the European banks, to eradicate the memory Italic shame. In Catholic country par excellence, in the homeland of the confessional so, we want to reduce everything to legal sanction, forgetting the wise art of understanding and forgiveness, the smile humanist of the best directors of conscience in the face of troubled souls scruples. "We are not angels, we have a body 'as Teresa of Avila warned her sisters, but the Puritans are under the illusion that we can fly on the physical, the heaviness of being, even without the help of the sacraments.

This "Almanac" persevere, remembering how the question goes back to many centuries ago, the cultural battle of the Protestants against the "corrupt papists." Religious wars are ended by a piece, but the prejudices behind which the Lanzichenecchi sacked Rome survive. In a book titled Federico Zeri significantly The visual perception of Italy and Italians (Einaudi, 1989) - where, however, starting from ' Ytalia frescoes by Cimabue, of course, and is seen in many images that accompany the text as a nation and a people existed long before the miserable hundred and fifty years celebrated with great fanfare - the way we read at which the peninsula were the suspicious moralist:

"These are the rest of the sixteenth century advanced the time when the image of Italian forays into painting, and especially beyond the Alps, those traits of licentiousness, ambiguous attitude of, treason, that they are long been known and are still a bit 'everywhere. The period of Elizabethan drama, its shady, murderous deception, so often located in Verona or Venice, Rome or Naples, coincides with the deployment in Europe of the commedia dell'arte: this also helps to refine the type and heterodox Italy of its inhabitants. Still, travelers and artists from the North, fascinated by some aspects, unique to their eyes, of Italian life, they begin to extract the complex story of some real data on which it begins to crystallize a cliché unrealistic and even absurd, but not for this long without a vitality. It was especially Venice to be subjected to this process of mythologizing, which scenario of everlasting sensual enjoyment, dancing and feasting, evasion of the rule of conduct, and in this, Northern Europe was a confirmation of the image with strong colors that of Italy, and then remained Catholic Counter-Reformation, had already been provided for decades by Protestantism "(pp. 25-26).

We are talking about the city of wonders, in the heyday of the Renaissance, but the polemical Puritan the paint with the colors of Hell. Worse is when the capitalist and Protestant Europe will depart from Rome on his way. Then it will be the turn of the great nightmare scenarios that "do well in an illustrated edition of some English Gothic Romance ... ', says Zeri, Italy" as the scene of chilling horror' in the literary and pictorial representation. The 'Land of feasts' will become the center of Romantik proposes that the 'journey to Italy' sub specie sinful. Each time you should go and reread those pages that still have an impact on public opinion impalpably European course of the twentieth and the twenty-first century.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Compact Binoculars Get What You Pay For

The Peninsula The tyranny of Puritanism


If a strolling onstage to play the part of a master, newspapers hail him as a authentic teaching and convince the public that the culture of comics is now the only horizon. Although lectio ad usum plebis pathetically recalls the training table in the Fascist period, with obsessive hatred of the 'alien' and miserable exaltation of country pride that makes 'Italian' Roman emperors. Boldly squad is reduced the "mystery Italian" designed by Providence in an episode of the nineteenth century nationalism, a Balkan story. And the same sloppy and repetitive vocabulary that was used to deceive the audience about Dante is transposed to commend the words of a song very unhappy in the meantime the farmer, good thing that the verses of Dante took an arrogant attitude by Professorin. Even an innocent game like the old festival of songs, that Giorgio de Chirico recounted in his memoirs fun to follow, becomes the bridge of the sad figure of moralism, that is what is most alien identity in italic. The Commedia dell'Arte masks and introduces forgets his pale and angry Puritans. But one of the best praise that the false teacher could serve his country is incompatible with our own puritanism. It should be said and repeated this feature, while a fierce campaign-cultural policy seeks to erase centuries of history and, for partisan deadlock, forcibly assimilate with other peoples, other worlds.

Savonarola, who, if anything, much anticipated by the phenomena of the sixteenth century Protestant Lenten, body and soul had to struggle to be accepted by Emilian ear to its adoption of the elegant Florentine empire to those parts of an old aesthetic sense that it did not discount the preachers Bible. So even for natural partisan spirit of our people conquered people, philosophers and artists, bringing them to that bonfire of vanities, where they burned the treasures of Humanism. Since then, moralistic extremism in fact, heresy profetizzante, was placed against the most remarkable fruits of Italic civilization, the golden season, which then became known as the Renaissance, the best art of the story that well-lived with the Roman Christianity.

Puritanism true, however, flowed from Calvinism on British soil, was born in defiance of Rome, because of scruples about "Roman use" remained in the new Anglican liturgy. Purify the Church and society from all taint 'papist', by 'horrible harlot "of Rome, was the intent of Puritanism. The liturgical garments in the first place, "the Roman Antichrist rags," had to be rejected. Starting from this aversion to Rome, the "anti-Roman affectivity" that you saw Carl Schmitt, Puritanism would affect thinking, behavior, politics, theater, behavior, dress on. Dresses blacks, shaved heads or at least her hair cut off: the universal priesthood was not enough, we also tried a universal monasticism, and since everyone can become saints, but not all humans are inclined to an ascetic life, he had to impose, with the worst tyranny The rules are more stringent, empty the world of its wonders, to abolish the luxury, beauty, pleasure. Games, dances, entertainment were excluded from the Christian life. This led to close all the theaters. A civilization deadly. Bible and work, a middle-class life to accumulate money. Again with the nightmare of being among the damned, with the terror of the Judgement that tormented childhood of John Bunyan, subjected to a never-ending process, a metaphysical inquisition without respite. The rest of the Protestant Church, Meeting, was given broad jurisdiction over the moral behavior of individuals, envy and rivalry should be terribly excited about the spirits.

It also required a radical equality but rigid dividing mankind into two classes: first, the Puritans, the best, the elect, the other the unbelievers, the corrupt, the damned. Out of the Puritan world, outside of their world that was not a perversion, perverse and was reserved only hate. The best fathers, the most loving, turned in the worst torturers of the opponents. A model for the totalitarian regimes of the future.
The militancy of moralistic behavior are repeated over the centuries: idolatry of the Law (Bible) written, self-righteous, letter, rejection of the interpretation, emerged from centuries of wisdom that only the "corrupt papists' could dare to put next to the Truth scripture, the people of the mystical improvisation people, the self-proclaimed prophets who find themselves on a pulpit with no preparation, no culture, where the Catholic priest is formed first in canon law, a thunderous shaking the principles and then act with great audacity even to kill the opponent ("Paris worth a mass "is indeed a conclusion Protestant, and fiercely anti-Puritan bishops accepted the episcopal office by Elizabeth to avoid it ended in Catholic hands), lack of a smile. So the battle

Puritan organ music and the images were removed from the liturgy; centuries after Friedrich Schiller, the Protestant Schiller, is telling one of his characters in Mary Stuart these jokes too forget the Latin world, "I was twenty, queen, and I had been educated in strict observance of duty, and had absorbed the milk of a suckler boundless hatred for the papacy, when an impetuous desire me attracted to the Continent. Let the humble rooms where preached the Puritans, I left the country, and locations as the crow flies to France. I longed to come to Italy, I have heard so much about. It was the era of the Great Jubilee, the streets were crowded with pilgrims, the sacred images were surrounded with flowers, and it seemed that humanity had begun a mystic pilgrimage towards Heaven. Myself rimasi coinvolto nella folla dei fedeli che mi trascinò fino a Roma. Cosa non provai allora, regina, quando vidi innalzarsi davanti ai miei occhi nel loro fulgore le colonne e gli archi di trionfo, quando la sublime maestà del Colosseo abbagliò il mio sguardo, e il meraviglioso spirito dell’arte mi svelò i suoi incanti e i suoi prodigi! Non conoscevo il potere ammaliatore dell’arte. La Chiesa riformata che mi aveva educato detesta l’allettamento dei sensi e rifiuta le immagini, tributando onore alla nuda parola priva dell’involucro del corpo. Cosa non sentii in seguito, una volta penetrato dentro le chiese, quando dal cielo scese ad avvolgermi l’onda divina della musica, quando una schiera tumultuosa di immagini si staccò veemente e prodiga dai muri e dal soffitto e di fronte ai miei sensi sopraffatti dall’estasi io vidi fremere ed agitarsi ciò che di più sublime e nobile esiste sulla terra! Quando ammirai i simboli e le immagini del Divino, il saluto dell’angelo, la nascita di Nostro Signore, la Madre di Dio, la Trinità scesa in terra, la Trasfigurazione che ardeva del suo stesso fulgore, e il Papa nella sua magnificenza cantare la messa solenne e benedire le folle! Paragonato a questo, cos’è lo splendore dell’oro e delle pietre preziose di cui si addobbano i sovrani della terra? Solo lui è cinto dall’aureola divina. Il Cielo, regno della verità, è la sua dimora, perché quei simboli e quelle visions do not belong to this world. "

The sweet life of Rome, that trigger disturbances in the thoughts of the Puritans, was not only sin, there was indeed a sweet life in the Counter, a sweet life Catholic, a Christianity that emphasized how balanced the wonder of the incarnation had taken place in the earthly world in the world of the senses. The musical theater oratorio, baroque architecture, sculpture and painting sums of that period are here to witness it. Sure, Peninsula Catholic, there were waves of short Braghettone of personal torment, of ascetic tendencies, but just think about the Farnese gallery of Carracci - open to the public these days -, sulla donna discinta scolpita ai piedi di Paolo III in San Pietro (e che stupì Montaigne nel suo viaggio in Italia), sui corpi trionfanti che riempiono i Palazzi Apostolici (non c’è museo al mondo con più nudi, dice il direttore dei Musei Vaticani) per capire che nella nostra tradizione si affermò un cristianesimo ben diverso dal fanatismo spettrale degli spiritualisti. Nel mondo cattolico, la Maddalena – che per un errore di interpretazione fu confusa con la prostituta di cui parla il Vangelo – diventava una santa a cui ricorrere per i peccati della carne, una santa che scultori e pittori rappresentavano nella sua fisicità seducente, appena velata da lunghi capelli, e che il clero poneva sugli altari. Nella città santa invaded by courtesans, as they were called at that time, was condemned sin, not sinners.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Phrase To Invite Guests

bibliolatry Amritsar

few days ago I went to spend the weekend at Amritsar . The basic objectives were twofold: to go and wash the dishes in the kitchens of the Golden Temple (yes, I sometimes still are like that ...) and go see for yourself how you hold the Guru Granth Sahib , ie the holy book of Sikhs.

The first goal was easy to reach. Simply obtain the indispensable cloth (with more or less questionable esthetics), go to the table of the temple (the Langar), where they feed at all Sikh pilgrims and look a bit 'round. The dish room is actually an area covered by roof, with a lot of basins and a terrifying noise of beaten metal, and there I joined the volunteers. Three quarters of an hour engaged to clean the three objects of steel that are delivered to each pilgrim at the entrance: a bowl (for water), a tray with four compartments (for the stuff to eat) and a spoon. It was worth it - because, as it turns to the other side, the cooks are volunteers really good.

The second goal proved more complex, because the Guru Granth Sahib during the day was held at the Golden Temple, in the midst of the "lake of ambrosia" which occupies a good part of the sacred area. The lines to get there, depending on the time, are very long ... and so I decided to abandon the first attempt and go there at night.

In the meantime, I went to see the main attraction of non-Sikhs in Amritsar: the evening closing ceremony of the border between India and Pakistan , thirty kilometers from the city. There, separated by high gates, two large amphitheaters, one on each side of the border, home to the Indians and Pakistanis are to encourage their troops. An hour of folk songs, dances (including waka waka) and screams Hindustan zindavan one hand, as part of an hour, with the variant Pakistan zindavan . Then there is a kind of grotesque parade, in which the soldiers of both sides are running exactly the same movements, the flag drops and the gates are closed until the next day.

So far so good, indeed, very funny. In return, however, the tour group to which I had queued stopped to see one thing that pushed far beyond the ceremonious: a modern Hindu temple of Mata Mandir. There, in a sort of cross between the sacred and the building of the carnival sideshow, you follow a set course between Krishna and neon-lit tunnel with water on earth, until you reach a series of ceremonies shouted.

For a number of reasons, I was not in the mood for this sort of thing (well, I do not think they ever in the mood). I left annoyed. Even more annoyed because, going back to the Golden Temple, the delays of the day I left several jobs to do: finish review the entry test of the Faculty of Humanities, for example. Attend to the work, or watch the procession bearing the Guru Granth Sahib in the building that houses the night?

But the spectacle of the Golden Temple at night is fantastic - and the queues are shorter. So in the end I managed to enter at a reasonable hour in the first room, where the book is kept under a veil and a group of musicians playing tabla and harmonium to accompany the uninterrupted reading of the text.

OK, nothing too impressive ... but then I went upstairs. And there, in a carpeted room, there was another ritual: a Sikh turban in orange reading public in another copy of the book, one page after another, barely moving his lips. And around, an audience of devotees, seated on the floor, read them too, by a series of paperback books. And upstairs, almost the same scene.

Well, there are many ways to worship a book ... but keep it under a cloth, after all, is not that much. adore reading, however, is another matter entirely ... I left so happy and satisfied that I preferred to avoid disappointment, skip directly to the computer to hunt for the procession and review questions.

Wikipedia tells me then that the Guru Grant Sahib is worshiped as a text, not as a physical object, and then each copy is considered sacred as any other, and that the Indian law considers this book "legal person" and that writing Gurmukhi was invented specifically for writing it, and that the book is considered the last and eternal guru of Sikhs, and that when the book is printed, any paper botched be cremated with a sacred rite, and that ...

In short, we still have to explain why I wanted to go to Amritsar?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Intimidating Quotes For Sports

Counterfeiting universal

~ Rereading WIND. ~

How to neutralize the "disturbing effects of the art '? Following Edgar Wind by three points in his essay collection Art and anarchy (Adelphi), we first saw the dangers involved when the art was at the center of Western civilization, so the more recent phenomena that made harmless: art pour l'art and the cult of the fragment, fetishism fetishism of form and detail, the culture piece by piece, the landscape of rubble, the Apocalypse without figures. In this last look at the polite speech of the German scholar tap the "mechanization of art." Boccioni advocated with the enthusiasm of the future for any gift of modernity and ordered the cult to the followers of his sect: "Man to evolve toward the car." Le Corbusier, when he already saw the good effects, it excited so ridiculous, "Man (the one that created the machinery) acts as a god, that is, in perfection." Wind does not deal with new faiths, his book is not a tirade against modernity, simply records how often the machine flatten the art. He sees even "disturbing similarities between the 'pure art' and the needs of mechanization," since the 'pure form' "is easier to mechanize.

The machines have simplified the art so that the artists they had to invent obstacles, the difficulties inflicted penitential autocostringersi in artificial limits to replace the traditional ones wiped out by technology (but also, it must be said, for absolute freedom, without the sting of brilliant principals). Of course it is ancient history already Federico da Montefeltro, for example, unable to read a printed book, it seemed a desecration, and the first printed books were trying desperately to look like manuscripts and sometimes there is added a hand-coloring to make the initial closest to the thumbnails: Faced with these new products offered themselves as surrogates, the Duke of Urbino subdorava a fraudulent intent. In the last century, however the actions of machines multiplied indefinitely, the technology offered all the services to artists and art made a trivial matter. The first to throw into chaos the techniques of representation was the photo: upset the painting and yet throughout the nineteenth century was presented as a mechanical painting, painting degraded. Then came the cinema, theater degraded, after television, cinema degraded, and so the vicious circle of general degradation, while breeds imitation of, the pseudo-ancient, universal counterfeiting. Some filmmakers of the last century hand-painted film, color it in an anti-naturalistic, to deny its mechanical nature, the engineers of the equipment claimed to play with the stereo fidelity'alta 'concert hall, and John Cage fighting event in the machine by introducing the development of sound ... It is the story of the culture of the fifties and sixties, prior to the end of the acceptance of the bluff as the only horizon of Contemporary Art. In those years still remained troubled by the entry of cars on the cultural scene and tried to compete with them. Wind, who wrote at that time, submit its reservations about it.

Speaking of the music playing, note that the recording disk develops "his own style." He explains: "certain relevant idiosyncrasies of phrasing, for example, that can astonish and make an impression in the concert hall, rather irritating if you listen to often. Consequently, the recording tends to eliminate them, aiming to get a finishing technique that allows continuous and repeated listening. " One emphasis of the changes hidden, and then tamed the perception of sweetened art. The uniform mechanical train the ear as the eye. The composer has begun to focus "to a style of musical performance suited to montage and performance stereo; mechanized as well as the language of cinema has had a decisive influence on certain styles of theatrical literature and drama, making the range of 'human expression to the possibilities of the screen. " Speeches of the past, we are no longer used, although the system is properly reinforced and face cross genres and disciplines of the market to greater glory (novels written with an eye already the subject of cinema, film designed to be divided into TV evenings: they are very known), but there is strippers, because they would say, Wind, culture does not cause any scandal now.

Wind takes a look also to the minor arts, we steal a beautiful remark: "The knives, forks and spoons can not fail to disturb the aerodynamic act of eating, since we make it aware to no avail." We realize that even a confused or feel discomfort without understanding why?

But it is in painting (at that time was still called it that) that seems most obvious mark of reproducibility, "that our way of looking at art has undergone a mutamento provocato dalla riproduzione, è ovvio. I nostri occhi sono oggi molto più pronti a cogliere qugli aspetti della pittura e della scultura che con maggiore efficacia la macchina fotografica riesce a mettere in evidenza». Jean Clair aggiungerà, decenni dopo, che la riproduzione fotografica esclude proprio quanto c’è di ‘artistico’ in un quadro, mentre ogni gesto idiota della body art, una volta riprodotto nella foto, viene enfatizzato, diventa icona, come nella reclamistica della pop art. Questa era la vera «perdita dell’aura» che inorgogliva le avanguardie. Mai mettendo in luce, però, che si stava sviluppando – come scrive Wind – «un’immaginazione pittorica e scultorica decisamente tesa verso la fotografia», una sua appendice fumosa, con il risultato di raggiungere una «indiretta compiutezza» solo attraverso la riproduzione meccanica. L’odierno Google Art Project, per cui i direttori dei massimi musei parlano innocentemente di possibilità di «vedere» online i quadri che essi conservano, come se si trattasse davvero di una «visione» davanti allo schermo che informa coi pixel, è il coronamento di un tale svuotamento culturale. L’arte non ha più una casa, un tempio, si diffonde nel profano e, dopo il passaggio nel museo cartaceo di Malraux, entra nel museo virtuale, diventa compiutamente profana (e del tutto inutile). Ciononostante, negli ultimi decenni, coloro che bearing the name of artists who have worked almost exclusively to expose their products in a few museums, works created death to be buried immediately.

Even the old is now seen through the filter of our machines. Here the engineer Viollet-le-Duc believed that with the technology to resurrect the art of medieval cathedrals instead of giving life to the "nineteenth-century Gothic." The methodology currently about restoration, casuistry and variable depending on the seasons of philosophy, do not interfere with our present to impose his mark on the cleaning of art, falsifying a little then. "The idea that a painting of the fifteenth century, for example, can be given safely science to its former state, as if five hundred years of existence had not left a trace on it, is of course absurd, both from the chemical point of view, both from a historical perspective. " Just as the translation has impressed his date or on a disc you can hear the rustle of the time, even the cleanup will be characterized by 'shadow history'. And since, as we saw Jünger in the thirties, the modern landscape is continually being restored, thanks to technology just in constant update, the falsification of the past is intensified.

"We must discourage the fine arts" was saying Degas, worried about the ugly turn that cultural issues were taking. Now the missionaries of culture as the proposed remedy to the ills of the world, without being even more aware of how often it is the mirror suggestive of the evil.

(4. - end )

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Windows 7 Can't Turn On Rogers Anti-virus

Husbands of Women Prassede

martyrdom petty bourgeois ~ CULTURE ~

"Anyone who does not do manual work to learn his son,
behaves as if he wanted to make a robber '
................................. .................................................. ..................... ER Jehudah

often happened to hear of people who claim higher wages for a first degree tear in his youth, like a past pain to compensate with money. If you objected to them, "but basically it was a privilege and a pleasure," are perplexed. In any case, framing the pseudo parchment as if it were a medal for bravery, it menano pride, if booklet of some authors mention the degree on the cover flap, they appreciate even the title of doctor despite being now given to pigs and dogs. They present themselves as martyrs of the culture, crushed by its weight, suited to that sacrifice. Never content to be displayed, you know how to have fun with books, art, music, that you can talk with jubilation.
Il medesimo vittimismo per un simile sacerdozio culturale ci è parso notare nella recente adunata dei neopuritani: abbiamo la casa piena di libri, gridavano i passionisti della carta stampata, restiamo fino a notte fonda a leggere. Gusto piccolo borghese: espongono le loro librerie imbarcate, lo shopping domenicale alle Feltrinelli, i titoli tediosi inflitti ai loro pargoli saccenti, facendone anzitutto una questione di quantità, dimenticando che Spinoza ebbe nella sua stanza poco più di centocinquanta volumi, confondendo spesso la noia col sapere, sempre quindi ostentando la cultura come un elemento di distinzione, mai compatendo chi, dedito ai soldi – secondo la ripartizione della Repubblica platonica –, can not enjoy the fine arts because it has to run the money and the economy that sustains everyone. I mean, talk about shamelessly in public about what should be a superfine bliss, day and night, a secret exercise ('Books and whores you wear to bed! "Warned Benjamin), and especially not on a clipboard to his chest in public meetings . What's the most vulgar of this use of the things of the spirit and morals? Play with infantry but leave the saints alone: \u200b\u200bscurrilissimi players are in italic were Vantone tradition for women's achievements and wealth, sometimes giant groupers caught and hunted deer, bombast of gargantuan meals, drinking endless, but brag letture è proprio da miserabili. «Per isfoggiar dottrina, e far vedere che non era indietro del suo secolo», Don Ferrante, il marito di donna Prassede, la dama delle buone intenzioni dagli esiti disastrosi, mise su «una raccolta di libri considerabile, poco meno di trecento volumi: tutta roba scelta», collocata in scaffali e palchetti della sua biblioteca descritta attentamente dal Manzoni al fine di narrare la mediocrità di certi eruditi: ecco una celebre eccezione. Ce ne è un’altra invero: i liceali frustrati, gli adolescenti che si consolavano con i versi poetici perché la bella di turno era ammaliata dal più ignorante. I seguaci della sinistra abbandonata dalla Fortuna sembrano ispirarsi a tali farsesche figure.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Get Sponsored For Tech Decking

The ladies hypocritical


«Via la mano brutale, infame sbirro!
Te stesso frusta, non quella puttana!
Tu bruci dalla voglia di far con lei
Ciò per cui la punisci!»

Indignato per la condotta giudiziaria e il trattamento giornalistico di un clamoroso processo viennese primo Novecento, e non riuscendo a dare espressione letteraria alla sua collera, Kraus cercava in Shakespeare la parola decisiva sulla «morale che ha reso possibile e gonfiato quel processo». Poi, nel giornale che pubblicava da solo, «Die Fackel», cominciò a sferrare colpi accorti ai giudici e ai giornalisti, smontò con eleganza la macchina truce dell’opinione pubblica.

«Stanno accadendo cose di fronte a cui il linguaggio dello sdegno ammutolisce», diceva in un incipit. Anche noi, un po’ turbati dall’ipocrisia epidemica, ricorriamo alle sue parole, già tanto utili quando a Roma inaugurarono in un solo giorno addirittura due musei del contemporaneo (v.«Almanacco romano», 2 giugno 2010, «Un’esperienza estetica alla toilette»). Le citazioni son tratte da Morale and crime (trans. by B. Cetti Marinoni, Bur, 1976).

"Who is to use trade to warn against the dangers that the development of a venal press review of the attorney general civilization and the good of the nations who are fighting for the survival of all conservative forces before the raid without a horde of traditions, even those who prefer a police state - and not just in the aesthetic sense - the affirmation of the despotism of giornalume, who candidly acknowledges that he had embraced in all areas of public debate, if nothing else for resentment, the party against the worst of the bad, and even sometimes to have abandoned the good causa per disgusto dei suoi paladini, può sperare che si giudichi insospettabile, e pura espressione di un convincimento, anche una confessione che a parecchi può giungere inattesa».

«Quando gli uomini hanno facoltà di emettere giudizi su altri uomini dovrebbero tener sempre presenti i limiti della loro conoscenza».

«Proprio gli spiriti conservatori, tacciati di ‘mentalità clericale’, anziché spingere la giustizia dello stato a sorvegliare le segrete vie della psiche non dovrebbero avere altra aspirazione se non di badare che accanto al potere terreno, che punisce, conservi un po’ di spazio anche il rappresentante di quello ultraterreno, che ammonisce».

"Party with the idea of \u200b\u200bimposing a penalty to the scandal caused by the public immorality, the legislature is incorporated in the fallacy that immorality causes public scandal. And when the public scandal has run had seriously as a result of the immorality of private prosecution, the trial, all taken from the research of the facts, had lost the ability to distinguish between cause and effect. "

"With the 'moral' code has nothing to do, got to do just the gossip of the province."

"The legislature as a nosy reporter who gets up in front of the skirts of the public life, justice reduced to part of a domestic eavesdropping eavesdropper on the doors of bedrooms and peering through the keyhole. "

"In the realm of eternal sexual impulses, which are the oldest of the need for hypocrisy, the legislature will move more awkwardly."

"moral [...] is the defense of bricks from unfair competition from publishers of newspapers, which carry much lower risks of the job."

"" At the police station to Mariahif was presented against a beautiful young actress, when no records, an anonymous complaint that it secretly practiced prostitution. As a result the police station conducted the investigation, did oversee the actress and has convened a number of people who had attended. But although all these witnesses exonerated the accused, the police commissioner also ordered the actress to forty-eight hours of arrest for 'insulting the modesty usual'. The home of the actress had declared that nothing had happened contrary to the moral it was true that several gentlemen had often found visiting her at the same time, but this was always done in their presence [...] " . [This article by a newspaper of that time and that Kraus's commentary:] It makes one wonder what century we live in when you hear that a woman has had to reassure the authorities stating that his visitors were not alone in her room, which have only talked with her and have not done anything that could ail the Commissioner. What we are doing the world's policemen, then, you can tell not only where they remain unknown thieves and murderers, but there are that it can only be explained by the fact that from time to time there is always something "capable of seriously offending the sense of decency". "

There is talk of Vienna a century ago.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mens Brazilian Wax Bali

The beauty shattered


Back for the third time on a book by Edgar Wind, Art and Anarchy (Adelphi), to read between the lines a more menacing image of the culture to what is normally led to believe. It is not in this case the old complaints about companies 'bad' that violates the culture of charity, even this virtuous capitalist commodification of spiritual activity, short alarm often run by intellectuals on the culture in danger, but - in the wake of Plato - Hazards that culture brings with it not being quite harmless and helpless. If it is true that currently the "holy fear" is not the most enveloping, this stems from the fact that art, literature and music are now playing an ornamental, watered-down to the ancient world where the central place occupied. Displaced by science, the humanities seem to draw the character 'sacred' only to preserve two old privileges: freedom to speak the unspeakable (but no longer in the truth game, what can not be said is essentially the ' obscene, etymologically the slime), the gains out of all reason in the market. In this episode we will see other ways in which they are filed were the claws of traditional culture.

forerunner of today's comic that makes a witty parody of the television art dealer, William Hogarth at the threshold of the modern farce had already put in the smoky talk to curators and critics who fed the voluminous catalogs. On a daily time, the artist told the satirical way to cheat the gullible public, "Lord, I see that you're not a connoisseur , this picture, I can assure you, is a Alesso Baldminetto second way, that is the best; boldly painted, and absolutely sublime .... " Of course, the mangled name of an Italian artist sull'assonanza play with the truth, historically true, Alesso Baldovinetti is ear scholarship, and the ways one another to confuse the buyer (maybe there's deception in the way ), even before the TV hucksters Hogarth's character says the same lines of our batsmen and our e-champions of Contemporary Art, through the same ridiculous excuses aesthetic. "Then, after spitting in a dark corner of the picture - continues the long quotation given by Hogarth's Wind - [the charlatan] rubs it with a dirty handkerchief, jump in the opposite corner of the room and cries out in ecstasy:" And look a little 'this particular, if it is not surprising! A collector could keep it at home per un anno, prima di incominciare a scoprire la metà delle bellezze che vi si nascondono!”». I papi erano mecenati esigenti, sapevano quel che volevano dai massimi artisti del Rinascimento, l’acquirente piccolo-borghese si nutre di sentito dire e si lascia intimidire facilmente dai paroloni. Il Pappagone della Transavanguardia ha fatto la sua fortuna con un linguaggio colorito quanto approssimativo, come l’indimenticabile ‘servitore’ del commendator Peppino De Filippo. Per evitare gli inganni, ecco allora una lungo serie di studiosi che mettono a segno dei metodi onde accertare l’arte autentica e distinguerla dai falsi , proprio mentre tutta l’arte rischia di diventare falsa . Giovanni Morelli, with moves Lombroso, found the key to the problem in detail, others make use of the technology, the eye being wise now very widespread. Indeed, since the art became a commodity in which to invest, rather than an object of delight, we need guarantees to reassure the uneducated buyer. The precious details that ensure the authenticity and attribution also determine "what it's worth." But beyond the question sociologically, that Wind is not even touching, this focus on detail by Morelli becomes the "track of the 'lost original'." That is, the cult of the fragment, "which has become a true artist's signature is a well-known romantic heresy. " Wind has found another side of this long domestication of culture: its break.

morellato The method led to privilege the pictorial drawing on the work carried out after him more and more will search the preliminary sketch, the initial sketch, the sketch. In this way, but not for 'guilt' of Morelli, "the immediacy, fetish romantic - Praz wrote - which is the sub-impressionism and automatic writing, once taken as the supreme criterion for judging, has meant that not only be condemned entire artistic periods as neo-classicism, but the great neo-classical artists, si salvino solo gli schizzi, gli abbozzi, gli spunti come quelli che conservano qualche scintilla di quel fuoco divino che poi la rielaborazione smorzerebbe».( Gusto neoclassico ). Canova patì infatti le conseguenze di tale romanticismo, i suoi bozzetti furono preferiti alle statue. Il «culto romantico dello spasimo» isolava il particolare e portava le arti verso un permanente «stato di crisi». E siccome anche «la poesia è il linguaggio di uno stato di crisi» (Mallarmé) e le crisi sono brevi, «il poema lungo – sosteneva il critico britannico A. C. Bradley – è un’offesa all’arte». Stefan George nella sua traduzione della Commedia dantesca procedeva, opposed to Borchardt, breaking the work into a series of short poems, so, he believed, to capture the poetic and set aside "the immense building in the world-church-state '(awesome assonance with the distinctions between Croce lyrical intuition el'impoetica structure). The romance of historical genre painting, with its large canvases equivalent to the long poem and especially the opera, seems an exception, but as melodrama, is still poorly refined art now, more suited to popular taste. 'Unfinished' and sketch are needed in the art of the last two centuries even to re-read the masters of the past. Vasari unnecessarily testifies that Michelangelo advised at death to burn sketches and cartoons, "not to appear if not perfect," the perfection being now a virtue unknown to the modern past. And the fragmentary is accompanied by the whim - Cubism is a huge fad, says Wind - echoes the triumphant nonsense.

Reverend William Gilpin, the founder of the formula of the "picturesque", believed to restore vitality to a monument of Palladian architecture, it was necessary to use the "stick rather than the chisel, we must tear down half of the building, ruin ' other half, and then scatter around the pile and mutilated limbs. " Mutilate the human figure and then later maim tutto il visibile sembra essere la parola d’ordine degli ultimi due secoli, l’iconoclastia attuale ne ha fatto un cliché. Perfino la fotografia, anzi soprattutto la fotografia, per cancellare il suo peccato originale di essere mimetica, deve frantumarsi, cancellare la sua rappresentazione, automutilarsi.

Quel gusto della spontaneità che distruggeva le superfici pittoriche per cercarvi dietro i pentimenti dell’artista, il primo abbozzo, l’istante dell’ispirazione, andava poi a fare a pezzi le statue affinché ne restassero evocativi frammenti, particolari che si prestavano pure alla allegoria di medioevale tradizione, e infine devastava il giardino all’italiana dove regnava il Logos per imporre quello all’inglese, natura ideata in modo selvaggio e ruderi artefatti. Wordsworth sintetizza: «una sete degradante di stimoli violenti». Gusto del frammento e gusto del barbarismo del resto vanno d’accordo. Non è un caso che la Kabbalah ebraica uscirà dai suoi millenari segreti per diventare breviario estetico della cultura contemporanea: una guida per muoversi in un mondo in frantumi.

«Vollard scherzosamente asseriva di aver visto Rodin che faceva a pezzi delle statue per ricavarne frammenti», racconta Wind, mentre Rilke, assistente spirituale dello scultore in gioventù, sognava una Eleonora Duse che recitasse senza braccia. Aveva cominciato C. D. Friedrich a cancellare il volto, i filosofi francesi alla fashion ended with the preaching in the latter part of the twentieth century the total abolition of the human being, as a figure on the sand. In between the screaming Expressionists, the rediscovery of the fragments of the incomplete Woyzeck, the German playwrights who conceived of a theater of expression of one or two syllables break into the music Schoenberg these moments of pain. A vast repertoire of pieces today's culture, as though we were the day after the great catastrophe. The Apocalypse know yet tell in a compound form, in a long and articulated, firmly anchored in pictures, the art of our time is to already beyond the end of the world, post-eschatological, post everything.

Arts chamber music, chamber music, chamber literature, most intimate, private: the culture of the fragments is marginalizing itself, never the frescoes, statues, monuments, complete works, he concluded. Is defined as "light" some music (as opposed to 'strong' as you call it disdain the weaknesses Quirino Principe aesthetic), well now there is also an art light, light a culture that dominate the West.

(3. - Continued )