Saturday, February 19, 2011

Compact Binoculars Get What You Pay For

The Peninsula The tyranny of Puritanism


If a strolling onstage to play the part of a master, newspapers hail him as a authentic teaching and convince the public that the culture of comics is now the only horizon. Although lectio ad usum plebis pathetically recalls the training table in the Fascist period, with obsessive hatred of the 'alien' and miserable exaltation of country pride that makes 'Italian' Roman emperors. Boldly squad is reduced the "mystery Italian" designed by Providence in an episode of the nineteenth century nationalism, a Balkan story. And the same sloppy and repetitive vocabulary that was used to deceive the audience about Dante is transposed to commend the words of a song very unhappy in the meantime the farmer, good thing that the verses of Dante took an arrogant attitude by Professorin. Even an innocent game like the old festival of songs, that Giorgio de Chirico recounted in his memoirs fun to follow, becomes the bridge of the sad figure of moralism, that is what is most alien identity in italic. The Commedia dell'Arte masks and introduces forgets his pale and angry Puritans. But one of the best praise that the false teacher could serve his country is incompatible with our own puritanism. It should be said and repeated this feature, while a fierce campaign-cultural policy seeks to erase centuries of history and, for partisan deadlock, forcibly assimilate with other peoples, other worlds.

Savonarola, who, if anything, much anticipated by the phenomena of the sixteenth century Protestant Lenten, body and soul had to struggle to be accepted by Emilian ear to its adoption of the elegant Florentine empire to those parts of an old aesthetic sense that it did not discount the preachers Bible. So even for natural partisan spirit of our people conquered people, philosophers and artists, bringing them to that bonfire of vanities, where they burned the treasures of Humanism. Since then, moralistic extremism in fact, heresy profetizzante, was placed against the most remarkable fruits of Italic civilization, the golden season, which then became known as the Renaissance, the best art of the story that well-lived with the Roman Christianity.

Puritanism true, however, flowed from Calvinism on British soil, was born in defiance of Rome, because of scruples about "Roman use" remained in the new Anglican liturgy. Purify the Church and society from all taint 'papist', by 'horrible harlot "of Rome, was the intent of Puritanism. The liturgical garments in the first place, "the Roman Antichrist rags," had to be rejected. Starting from this aversion to Rome, the "anti-Roman affectivity" that you saw Carl Schmitt, Puritanism would affect thinking, behavior, politics, theater, behavior, dress on. Dresses blacks, shaved heads or at least her hair cut off: the universal priesthood was not enough, we also tried a universal monasticism, and since everyone can become saints, but not all humans are inclined to an ascetic life, he had to impose, with the worst tyranny The rules are more stringent, empty the world of its wonders, to abolish the luxury, beauty, pleasure. Games, dances, entertainment were excluded from the Christian life. This led to close all the theaters. A civilization deadly. Bible and work, a middle-class life to accumulate money. Again with the nightmare of being among the damned, with the terror of the Judgement that tormented childhood of John Bunyan, subjected to a never-ending process, a metaphysical inquisition without respite. The rest of the Protestant Church, Meeting, was given broad jurisdiction over the moral behavior of individuals, envy and rivalry should be terribly excited about the spirits.

It also required a radical equality but rigid dividing mankind into two classes: first, the Puritans, the best, the elect, the other the unbelievers, the corrupt, the damned. Out of the Puritan world, outside of their world that was not a perversion, perverse and was reserved only hate. The best fathers, the most loving, turned in the worst torturers of the opponents. A model for the totalitarian regimes of the future.
The militancy of moralistic behavior are repeated over the centuries: idolatry of the Law (Bible) written, self-righteous, letter, rejection of the interpretation, emerged from centuries of wisdom that only the "corrupt papists' could dare to put next to the Truth scripture, the people of the mystical improvisation people, the self-proclaimed prophets who find themselves on a pulpit with no preparation, no culture, where the Catholic priest is formed first in canon law, a thunderous shaking the principles and then act with great audacity even to kill the opponent ("Paris worth a mass "is indeed a conclusion Protestant, and fiercely anti-Puritan bishops accepted the episcopal office by Elizabeth to avoid it ended in Catholic hands), lack of a smile. So the battle

Puritan organ music and the images were removed from the liturgy; centuries after Friedrich Schiller, the Protestant Schiller, is telling one of his characters in Mary Stuart these jokes too forget the Latin world, "I was twenty, queen, and I had been educated in strict observance of duty, and had absorbed the milk of a suckler boundless hatred for the papacy, when an impetuous desire me attracted to the Continent. Let the humble rooms where preached the Puritans, I left the country, and locations as the crow flies to France. I longed to come to Italy, I have heard so much about. It was the era of the Great Jubilee, the streets were crowded with pilgrims, the sacred images were surrounded with flowers, and it seemed that humanity had begun a mystic pilgrimage towards Heaven. Myself rimasi coinvolto nella folla dei fedeli che mi trascinò fino a Roma. Cosa non provai allora, regina, quando vidi innalzarsi davanti ai miei occhi nel loro fulgore le colonne e gli archi di trionfo, quando la sublime maestà del Colosseo abbagliò il mio sguardo, e il meraviglioso spirito dell’arte mi svelò i suoi incanti e i suoi prodigi! Non conoscevo il potere ammaliatore dell’arte. La Chiesa riformata che mi aveva educato detesta l’allettamento dei sensi e rifiuta le immagini, tributando onore alla nuda parola priva dell’involucro del corpo. Cosa non sentii in seguito, una volta penetrato dentro le chiese, quando dal cielo scese ad avvolgermi l’onda divina della musica, quando una schiera tumultuosa di immagini si staccò veemente e prodiga dai muri e dal soffitto e di fronte ai miei sensi sopraffatti dall’estasi io vidi fremere ed agitarsi ciò che di più sublime e nobile esiste sulla terra! Quando ammirai i simboli e le immagini del Divino, il saluto dell’angelo, la nascita di Nostro Signore, la Madre di Dio, la Trinità scesa in terra, la Trasfigurazione che ardeva del suo stesso fulgore, e il Papa nella sua magnificenza cantare la messa solenne e benedire le folle! Paragonato a questo, cos’è lo splendore dell’oro e delle pietre preziose di cui si addobbano i sovrani della terra? Solo lui è cinto dall’aureola divina. Il Cielo, regno della verità, è la sua dimora, perché quei simboli e quelle visions do not belong to this world. "

The sweet life of Rome, that trigger disturbances in the thoughts of the Puritans, was not only sin, there was indeed a sweet life in the Counter, a sweet life Catholic, a Christianity that emphasized how balanced the wonder of the incarnation had taken place in the earthly world in the world of the senses. The musical theater oratorio, baroque architecture, sculpture and painting sums of that period are here to witness it. Sure, Peninsula Catholic, there were waves of short Braghettone of personal torment, of ascetic tendencies, but just think about the Farnese gallery of Carracci - open to the public these days -, sulla donna discinta scolpita ai piedi di Paolo III in San Pietro (e che stupì Montaigne nel suo viaggio in Italia), sui corpi trionfanti che riempiono i Palazzi Apostolici (non c’è museo al mondo con più nudi, dice il direttore dei Musei Vaticani) per capire che nella nostra tradizione si affermò un cristianesimo ben diverso dal fanatismo spettrale degli spiritualisti. Nel mondo cattolico, la Maddalena – che per un errore di interpretazione fu confusa con la prostituta di cui parla il Vangelo – diventava una santa a cui ricorrere per i peccati della carne, una santa che scultori e pittori rappresentavano nella sua fisicità seducente, appena velata da lunghi capelli, e che il clero poneva sugli altari. Nella città santa invaded by courtesans, as they were called at that time, was condemned sin, not sinners.


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