La delectatio morosa accompagna i giornali e tutti gli altri media di Europa mentre sguazzano sulle vicende pruriginose che i magistrati italiani mettono in mostra e in piazza. E la stampa nostrana, in particolare quella che agita con particolare foga le bandierine tricolori, approfitta della curiosità che l’Italia sempre suscita all’estero quando si parla di peccato, per enfatizzare questo interesse e invocare, onde «non farci ridere dietro», la fine della nostra ‘eccezione’. È in corso infatti una furiosa battle to erase the old look of the beautiful country, to flatten the neutrality of the European banks, to eradicate the memory Italic shame. In Catholic country par excellence, in the homeland of the confessional so, we want to reduce everything to legal sanction, forgetting the wise art of understanding and forgiveness, the smile humanist of the best directors of conscience in the face of troubled souls scruples. "We are not angels, we have a body 'as Teresa of Avila warned her sisters, but the Puritans are under the illusion that we can fly on the physical, the heaviness of being, even without the help of the sacraments.
This "Almanac" persevere, remembering how the question goes back to many centuries ago, the cultural battle of the Protestants against the "corrupt papists." Religious wars are ended by a piece, but the prejudices behind which the Lanzichenecchi sacked Rome survive. In a book titled Federico Zeri significantly The visual perception of Italy and Italians (Einaudi, 1989) - where, however, starting from ' Ytalia frescoes by Cimabue, of course, and is seen in many images that accompany the text as a nation and a people existed long before the miserable hundred and fifty years celebrated with great fanfare - the way we read at which the peninsula were the suspicious moralist:
"These are the rest of the sixteenth century advanced the time when the image of Italian forays into painting, and especially beyond the Alps, those traits of licentiousness, ambiguous attitude of, treason, that they are long been known and are still a bit 'everywhere. The period of Elizabethan drama, its shady, murderous deception, so often located in Verona or Venice, Rome or Naples, coincides with the deployment in Europe of the commedia dell'arte: this also helps to refine the type and heterodox Italy of its inhabitants. Still, travelers and artists from the North, fascinated by some aspects, unique to their eyes, of Italian life, they begin to extract the complex story of some real data on which it begins to crystallize a cliché unrealistic and even absurd, but not for this long without a vitality. It was especially Venice to be subjected to this process of mythologizing, which scenario of everlasting sensual enjoyment, dancing and feasting, evasion of the rule of conduct, and in this, Northern Europe was a confirmation of the image with strong colors that of Italy, and then remained Catholic Counter-Reformation, had already been provided for decades by Protestantism "(pp. 25-26).
We are talking about the city of wonders, in the heyday of the Renaissance, but the polemical Puritan the paint with the colors of Hell. Worse is when the capitalist and Protestant Europe will depart from Rome on his way. Then it will be the turn of the great nightmare scenarios that "do well in an illustrated edition of some English Gothic Romance ... ', says Zeri, Italy" as the scene of chilling horror' in the literary and pictorial representation. The 'Land of feasts' will become the center of Romantik proposes that the 'journey to Italy' sub specie sinful. Each time you should go and reread those pages that still have an impact on public opinion impalpably European course of the twentieth and the twenty-first century.
La delectatio morosa accompagna i giornali e tutti gli altri media di Europa mentre sguazzano sulle vicende pruriginose che i magistrati italiani mettono in mostra e in piazza. E la stampa nostrana, in particolare quella che agita con particolare foga le bandierine tricolori, approfitta della curiosità che l’Italia sempre suscita all’estero quando si parla di peccato, per enfatizzare questo interesse e invocare, onde «non farci ridere dietro», la fine della nostra ‘eccezione’. È in corso infatti una furiosa battle to erase the old look of the beautiful country, to flatten the neutrality of the European banks, to eradicate the memory Italic shame. In Catholic country par excellence, in the homeland of the confessional so, we want to reduce everything to legal sanction, forgetting the wise art of understanding and forgiveness, the smile humanist of the best directors of conscience in the face of troubled souls scruples. "We are not angels, we have a body 'as Teresa of Avila warned her sisters, but the Puritans are under the illusion that we can fly on the physical, the heaviness of being, even without the help of the sacraments.
This "Almanac" persevere, remembering how the question goes back to many centuries ago, the cultural battle of the Protestants against the "corrupt papists." Religious wars are ended by a piece, but the prejudices behind which the Lanzichenecchi sacked Rome survive. In a book titled Federico Zeri significantly The visual perception of Italy and Italians (Einaudi, 1989) - where, however, starting from ' Ytalia frescoes by Cimabue, of course, and is seen in many images that accompany the text as a nation and a people existed long before the miserable hundred and fifty years celebrated with great fanfare - the way we read at which the peninsula were the suspicious moralist:
"These are the rest of the sixteenth century advanced the time when the image of Italian forays into painting, and especially beyond the Alps, those traits of licentiousness, ambiguous attitude of, treason, that they are long been known and are still a bit 'everywhere. The period of Elizabethan drama, its shady, murderous deception, so often located in Verona or Venice, Rome or Naples, coincides with the deployment in Europe of the commedia dell'arte: this also helps to refine the type and heterodox Italy of its inhabitants. Still, travelers and artists from the North, fascinated by some aspects, unique to their eyes, of Italian life, they begin to extract the complex story of some real data on which it begins to crystallize a cliché unrealistic and even absurd, but not for this long without a vitality. It was especially Venice to be subjected to this process of mythologizing, which scenario of everlasting sensual enjoyment, dancing and feasting, evasion of the rule of conduct, and in this, Northern Europe was a confirmation of the image with strong colors that of Italy, and then remained Catholic Counter-Reformation, had already been provided for decades by Protestantism "(pp. 25-26).
We are talking about the city of wonders, in the heyday of the Renaissance, but the polemical Puritan the paint with the colors of Hell. Worse is when the capitalist and Protestant Europe will depart from Rome on his way. Then it will be the turn of the great nightmare scenarios that "do well in an illustrated edition of some English Gothic Romance ... ', says Zeri, Italy" as the scene of chilling horror' in the literary and pictorial representation. The 'Land of feasts' will become the center of Romantik proposes that the 'journey to Italy' sub specie sinful. Each time you should go and reread those pages that still have an impact on public opinion impalpably European course of the twentieth and the twenty-first century.
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