Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Get Sponsored For Tech Decking

The ladies hypocritical


«Via la mano brutale, infame sbirro!
Te stesso frusta, non quella puttana!
Tu bruci dalla voglia di far con lei
Ciò per cui la punisci!»

Indignato per la condotta giudiziaria e il trattamento giornalistico di un clamoroso processo viennese primo Novecento, e non riuscendo a dare espressione letteraria alla sua collera, Kraus cercava in Shakespeare la parola decisiva sulla «morale che ha reso possibile e gonfiato quel processo». Poi, nel giornale che pubblicava da solo, «Die Fackel», cominciò a sferrare colpi accorti ai giudici e ai giornalisti, smontò con eleganza la macchina truce dell’opinione pubblica.

«Stanno accadendo cose di fronte a cui il linguaggio dello sdegno ammutolisce», diceva in un incipit. Anche noi, un po’ turbati dall’ipocrisia epidemica, ricorriamo alle sue parole, già tanto utili quando a Roma inaugurarono in un solo giorno addirittura due musei del contemporaneo (v.«Almanacco romano», 2 giugno 2010, «Un’esperienza estetica alla toilette»). Le citazioni son tratte da Morale and crime (trans. by B. Cetti Marinoni, Bur, 1976).

"Who is to use trade to warn against the dangers that the development of a venal press review of the attorney general civilization and the good of the nations who are fighting for the survival of all conservative forces before the raid without a horde of traditions, even those who prefer a police state - and not just in the aesthetic sense - the affirmation of the despotism of giornalume, who candidly acknowledges that he had embraced in all areas of public debate, if nothing else for resentment, the party against the worst of the bad, and even sometimes to have abandoned the good causa per disgusto dei suoi paladini, può sperare che si giudichi insospettabile, e pura espressione di un convincimento, anche una confessione che a parecchi può giungere inattesa».

«Quando gli uomini hanno facoltà di emettere giudizi su altri uomini dovrebbero tener sempre presenti i limiti della loro conoscenza».

«Proprio gli spiriti conservatori, tacciati di ‘mentalità clericale’, anziché spingere la giustizia dello stato a sorvegliare le segrete vie della psiche non dovrebbero avere altra aspirazione se non di badare che accanto al potere terreno, che punisce, conservi un po’ di spazio anche il rappresentante di quello ultraterreno, che ammonisce».

"Party with the idea of \u200b\u200bimposing a penalty to the scandal caused by the public immorality, the legislature is incorporated in the fallacy that immorality causes public scandal. And when the public scandal has run had seriously as a result of the immorality of private prosecution, the trial, all taken from the research of the facts, had lost the ability to distinguish between cause and effect. "

"With the 'moral' code has nothing to do, got to do just the gossip of the province."

"The legislature as a nosy reporter who gets up in front of the skirts of the public life, justice reduced to part of a domestic eavesdropping eavesdropper on the doors of bedrooms and peering through the keyhole. "

"In the realm of eternal sexual impulses, which are the oldest of the need for hypocrisy, the legislature will move more awkwardly."

"moral [...] is the defense of bricks from unfair competition from publishers of newspapers, which carry much lower risks of the job."

"" At the police station to Mariahif was presented against a beautiful young actress, when no records, an anonymous complaint that it secretly practiced prostitution. As a result the police station conducted the investigation, did oversee the actress and has convened a number of people who had attended. But although all these witnesses exonerated the accused, the police commissioner also ordered the actress to forty-eight hours of arrest for 'insulting the modesty usual'. The home of the actress had declared that nothing had happened contrary to the moral it was true that several gentlemen had often found visiting her at the same time, but this was always done in their presence [...] " . [This article by a newspaper of that time and that Kraus's commentary:] It makes one wonder what century we live in when you hear that a woman has had to reassure the authorities stating that his visitors were not alone in her room, which have only talked with her and have not done anything that could ail the Commissioner. What we are doing the world's policemen, then, you can tell not only where they remain unknown thieves and murderers, but there are that it can only be explained by the fact that from time to time there is always something "capable of seriously offending the sense of decency". "

There is talk of Vienna a century ago.


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