martyrdom petty bourgeois ~ CULTURE ~
"Anyone who does not do manual work to learn his son,
behaves as if he wanted to make a robber '
................................. .................................................. ..................... ER Jehudah
often happened to hear of people who claim higher wages for a first degree tear in his youth, like a past pain to compensate with money. If you objected to them, "but basically it was a privilege and a pleasure," are perplexed. In any case, framing the pseudo parchment as if it were a medal for bravery, it menano pride, if booklet of some authors mention the degree on the cover flap, they appreciate even the title of doctor despite being now given to pigs and dogs. They present themselves as martyrs of the culture, crushed by its weight, suited to that sacrifice. Never content to be displayed, you know how to have fun with books, art, music, that you can talk with jubilation.
"Anyone who does not do manual work to learn his son,
behaves as if he wanted to make a robber '
................................. .................................................. ..................... ER Jehudah
often happened to hear of people who claim higher wages for a first degree tear in his youth, like a past pain to compensate with money. If you objected to them, "but basically it was a privilege and a pleasure," are perplexed. In any case, framing the pseudo parchment as if it were a medal for bravery, it menano pride, if booklet of some authors mention the degree on the cover flap, they appreciate even the title of doctor despite being now given to pigs and dogs. They present themselves as martyrs of the culture, crushed by its weight, suited to that sacrifice. Never content to be displayed, you know how to have fun with books, art, music, that you can talk with jubilation.
Il medesimo vittimismo per un simile sacerdozio culturale ci è parso notare nella recente adunata dei neopuritani: abbiamo la casa piena di libri, gridavano i passionisti della carta stampata, restiamo fino a notte fonda a leggere. Gusto piccolo borghese: espongono le loro librerie imbarcate, lo shopping domenicale alle Feltrinelli, i titoli tediosi inflitti ai loro pargoli saccenti, facendone anzitutto una questione di quantità, dimenticando che Spinoza ebbe nella sua stanza poco più di centocinquanta volumi, confondendo spesso la noia col sapere, sempre quindi ostentando la cultura come un elemento di distinzione, mai compatendo chi, dedito ai soldi – secondo la ripartizione della Repubblica platonica –, can not enjoy the fine arts because it has to run the money and the economy that sustains everyone. I mean, talk about shamelessly in public about what should be a superfine bliss, day and night, a secret exercise ('Books and whores you wear to bed! "Warned Benjamin), and especially not on a clipboard to his chest in public meetings . What's the most vulgar of this use of the things of the spirit and morals? Play with infantry but leave the saints alone: \u200b\u200bscurrilissimi players are in italic were Vantone tradition for women's achievements and wealth, sometimes giant groupers caught and hunted deer, bombast of gargantuan meals, drinking endless, but brag letture è proprio da miserabili. «Per isfoggiar dottrina, e far vedere che non era indietro del suo secolo», Don Ferrante, il marito di donna Prassede, la dama delle buone intenzioni dagli esiti disastrosi, mise su «una raccolta di libri considerabile, poco meno di trecento volumi: tutta roba scelta», collocata in scaffali e palchetti della sua biblioteca descritta attentamente dal Manzoni al fine di narrare la mediocrità di certi eruditi: ecco una celebre eccezione. Ce ne è un’altra invero: i liceali frustrati, gli adolescenti che si consolavano con i versi poetici perché la bella di turno era ammaliata dal più ignorante. I seguaci della sinistra abbandonata dalla Fortuna sembrano ispirarsi a tali farsesche figure.
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